展开Conversion Tools 工具箱,打开From Raster工具集,双击 Raster to Polygon,打开 Raster to Polygon 对话框。(出差在外,带的电脑没有装arcgis,因此下图为网上COPY的,清晰度有待提高,请各位忽略) 在Input raster文本框中选择输入需要转换的栅格数据。 在Output Polygon Features文本框键入输出的面状矢量数据的路径与...
解决办法,使用reclassify工具对栅格影像进行重分类,然后再进行栅格转面操作即可。 栅格数据重分类
ArcGIS Pro 3.2| |Help archive Summary Converts a raster dataset to polygon features. Usage The input raster can have any cell size and must be a valid integer raster dataset. TheFieldparameter allows you to choose which attribute field of the input raster dataset will become an attribute in ...
在ArcGIS中,可以将多边形数据(Polygon)转换为栅格数据(Raster)。 Polygon与Raster数据的基本概念 在地理信息系统(GIS)中,数据通常分为矢量数据和栅格数据两大类。Polygon(多边形)是矢量数据的一种,由一系列有序的坐标点连接而成,用于表示具有明确边界的地理实体,如城市区域、湖泊轮廓等。...
|GPX To Features |GPX转图层| From Raster(由栅格转出)From Raster(由栅格转出)|Raster to ASCII |栅格转ASCII| |Raster to Float |栅格转浮点型| |Raster to Point |栅格转点| |Raster to Polygon |栅格转面| |Raster to Polyline | 栅格转线| |Raster To Video |栅格转视频| From WFS(由WPS转出...
NoData cells in the input raster do not become polygons in the output. The following is a raster image (left) and what it looks like once converted to polygons (right): Input raster to convert Output polygon feature data Learn how to convert using the Raster to Polygon tool Converting ...
RasterToPolygon_conversion (in_raster, out_polygon_features, {simplify}, {raster_field}) パラメータ 説明 データ タイプ in_raster 入力ラスタ データセット。 ラスタは整数タイプでなければなりません。 Raster Layer out_polygon_features 変換されたポリゴンの格納先となる出力フィーチャク...
网络栅格转面要素类;删格到面;栅格转到多边形工具 网络释义
More generally, the need might arise to convert a general raster image of an area into a polygon shapefile. You can do this with the Spatial Analyst extension for ArcGIS, but the two together are pretty expensive. There’s a somewhat painless way to do it with free software. First, here...