output_raster:影像图层项目 例子: # Usage Example 1: This example converts imagery layer to feature layer. raster = gis.content.search("raster_lyr")[0].layers[0] feature = convert_raster_to_feature(input_raster=raster, output_type='Polygon', gis=gis)相关...
Output features nameis the name of the output feature layer that will be created. The name must be unique. If a layer with the same name already exists in your organization, the tool will fail and you will be prompted to use a different name. ...
IFeatureClass:提供对控制特性类的行为和属性的成员的访问 Raster数据 同理,但其实因为矢量数据和栅格数据的特殊性,他们之间还是有些区别的,比如栅格数据没有属性表,但是他有RasterBand,即波段 那GeoDataset是什么呢?或者说IGeoDataset是什么呢? Provides access to members that provide information about a Geographic ...
Input Raster Layer The input raster layer. Feature Set Field A field that specifies the conversion value. It can be any integer or text value. A field containing floating-point values can only be used if the output is to a point dataset. ...
The input feature layer. Feature Set Value field Choose the field that will be used to assign values to the output raster. Field Output Name The name of the output raster service. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer name already exists, you...
com.arcgismaps.mapping.featureforms com.arcgismaps.mapping.floor com.arcgismaps.mapping.kml com.arcgismaps.mapping.labeling com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers AnnotationLayer AnnotationSublayer ArcGISMapImageLayer ArcGISMapImageSublayer ArcGISSceneLayer ArcGISSublayer ArcGISTiledLayer ArcGISTiledSublayer...
Applies the NDVI function on the input image, and then uses a color map or color ramp to display the result. For details, see the NDVI Colorized raster function. Predict Using Trend Generates a forecasted layer using the output from the Generate Trend function. For details, see the ...
Connects the layer to its data source. IDataset copy(String copyName, IWorkspace copyWorkspace) Copies this dataset to a new dataset with the specified name. void createFromDataset(IRasterDataset rasterDataset) Creates a layer from a RasterDataset object. void createFromFilePath(String filePath...
The ConvertFeatureToRaster task converts a point, line, or polygon feature dataset to a raster. Request parameters ParameterDetails inputFeature (Required) The feature layer that will be converted. The dataset can either be point, line, or polygon features. Syntax: This parameter can be specified...