dem The DEM to be used in the GSD computation. (默认值为 None) String 返回值 数据类型说明 String 地面采样距离值的列表。 exportImage ({width}, {height}, {format}, {extent}, {spatial_reference}, {mosaic_rule}) 参数说明数据类型
The DEM to be used in the GSD computation. (El valor predeterminado es None) StringValor de retorno Tipo de datos Explicación String A list of the ground sample distance values. computeHistograms ({variable}, {aoi}, {cellsize}) Parámetro Explicación Tipo de datos variable The variable na...
arcpy.conversion.DEMToRaster(in_dem_file, out_raster, {data_type}, {z_factor}) Parameter Erklärung Datentyp in_dem_file Die Eingabe-USGS-DEM-Datei. Bei dem DEM muss es sich um eine Standard-USGS-Datei im Format 7,5 Minuten, 1 Grad oder um eine beliebige andere Datei im USGS-DEM...
When adding a raster dataset such as raster data, a digital elevation model (DEM), or an Esri GRID to ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, the following messages are returned respectively. In ArcMap In ArcMap, the error message is followed by a warning message. Error: Invalid raster dataset...
ArcGIS Desktop の今後のリリース予定はないため、ArcGIS Pro に移行することをお勧めします。 詳細については、「ArcMap から ArcGIS Pro への移行」をご参照ください。DEM の投影 米国内のほとんどの領域を扱っているデジタル テレイン データは、USGS DEM 形式のものが米国地質調査所 ...
projcsn Sync="TRUE">Germany_Zone_4</projcsn> <peXml Sync="TRUE"><ProjectedCoordinateSystem xsi:type='typens:ProjectedCoordinateSystem' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xs='' xmlns:typens='
If the Create network paths parameter is not available, the Input distance accumulation raster value is not used to determine the path. Whether you use a constant raster or a digital elevation model (DEM), the path will be the same; only an attribute value on the path will vary. However,...
USGSDEM String permanent (Sólo lectura) Indicates the permanent state of the raster: False if the raster is temporary and True if the raster is permanent. Boolean sensorType (Sólo lectura) The sensor type used to capture the image. String Muestra de código Raster dataset properties example ...
You can use a DEM stored as a raster dataset (in any ArcGIS-supported raster format), stored in a raster catalog, a mosaic dataset, an image service, or a WCS service. If you have multiple DEM raster datasets you can add them to a mosaic dataset to create a single dataset that can ...
Functions can be applied to various rasters (or images), including the following: Imagery layers Rasters within imagery layers boundary_clean arcgis.raster.functions.gbl.boundary_clean(input_raster, sort_type='NO_SORT', number_of_runs='TWO_WAY') The boundary_clean function smooths the boundary...