Open Field Calculator, and select the class_areas_sqkm layer in Input Layer. Enter the Field name as landcover, in the Result field type, choose String. In the Expression window enter the below expression. This expression uses the CASE statement to assign a value based on multiple conditions...
QgsRasterCalculator::processCalculation : QgisApp::showRasterCalculator : QObject::qt_static_metacall : QAction::activate : QMenu::actionGeometry : QMenu::actionGeometry : QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent : QWidget::event : QMenu::event : QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper : QApplication::notify : ...
Hello, I have been digging in the source code and am trying to understand how the raster calculator works. From following the function calls through QgisApp::showRasterCalculator() at line 6058, I understand that the calc params are passed as an encoded URI, but I can't for the life of...
# 需要导入模块: from qgis.analysis import QgsRasterCalculatorEntry [as 别名]# 或者: from qgis.analysis.QgsRasterCalculatorEntry importbandNumber[as 别名]defsplit_bands(pathIn,pathOut):# Recibe un path de entrada (raster multibanda) y devuelve las bandas por separadofileInfo=QFileInfo(pathIn...
Advanced Raster Analysis (QGIS3)In the previous tutorial Basic Raster Styling and Analysis (QGIS3), you learnt about performing raster algebra with Raster Calculator. This tutorial builds on these techniques and shows you how to use other raster analysis tools from the Processing Toolbox. You ...
开发者ID:calebbuahin,项目名称:QGIS,代码行数:101,代码来源:qgswcsserver.cpp 示例9: processCalculation ▲点赞 1▼ intQgsRasterCalculator::processCalculation( QProgressDialog* p ) {//prepare search string / treeQString errorString; QgsRasterCalcNode* calcNode = QgsRasterCalcNode::parseRasterCalcStri...
Starting from today I am experiencing a series of problems with the raster calculator, even for the simplier task. The final output has wrong values, geometry and geolocalization. This is how it looks now:This is how it should look/be...
either work from last week’s folder, or create a new folder for this practical (eg Prac2). If you like you can copy and paste redownload the two layers above in to the new folder using ArcCatalog. When you start a task in ArcQGIS, it helps if you first take some time to think ...
一般来说,网上常见的ArcGIS中栅格裁剪的方法主要是先有一个矢量图层,然后矢量转成栅格,其中对应的Value赋值为1或0,再调用Spatial Analyst中的Raster Calculator进行与需要裁剪的原图的栅格计算。这种方法的例子在网上搜"ArcGIS栅格裁剪"就会有不少。 这种方法先把矢量转成栅格再裁剪走了一条弯路,其实没必要,我们可以用...
Map Algebra in ArcGIS Pro You can use map algebra in ArcGIS Pro in either the “Spatial Analyst” or “Image Analyst” tools. Remember that you’ll need any one of these license types to use the tool. In ArcToolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Map Algebra > Raster Calculator. ...