cult- followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices youth subculture- a minority youth culture whose distinctiveness depended largely on the social class and ethnic background of its members; often characterized by its adoption of a particular music genre ...
The rise of black nationalism, however, provided the movement with its impetus to organise a system of beliefs. Likewise, Chevannes explores the movement's roots in the Jamaican peasantry, which underwent distinct phases of development between 1834 and 1961 as freed slaves became peasants. The ...
However, knowledge of the groups' practices and beliefs beyond reggae, the veneration of ganja (cannabis) and recognition of the divinity of His Majesty Haile Selassie remains limited. This is very much the case amongst Rastafari dietary practices, something central to the daily observance of all ...
cult- followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices youth subculture- a minority youth culture whose distinctiveness depended largely on the social class and ethnic background of its members; often characterized by its adoption of a particular music genre ...