在第二部分中,我们使用SensorMedal测量了温度和湿度;在第三部分中,我们添加了人体传感器。最初,我们也是打算利用传感器的值来实现下面这些功能的,所以让我们来把它们变为现实吧。 首先是检测完温度后,如果室温高于一定水平,需要自动打开风扇保持凉爽。在Raspberry Pi上插入USB迷你风扇。 要想让风扇根据室温情况打开或关...
The DS18B20 temperature sensor is perfect for projects like weather stations and home automation systems. Few sensors are this easy to set up on the Raspberry Pi. They’re the same size as a transistor and use only one wire for the data signal. They’re also extremely accurate and take mea...
您可以从技术规格书 获取有关脉冲长度、间隔等信息,但如果您想马上开始,请首先按照此Raspberry Pi设置指南确保您的Pi已准备就绪。 准备好后,将下面的脚本复制粘贴到您的Raspberry Pi GUI编辑器中(听说Pluma很好用),并将文件保存为“rpi_prepare.sh”。 [ begin rpi_prepare.sh ] #! /usr/bin/env bash set -...
High Temp Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor + extras $14.95 Add to Cart Assembled Pi Cobbler Plus - Breakout Cable $6.95 Add to Cart Assembled Pi T-Cobbler Plus - GPIO Breakout $7.95 Add to Cart Raspberry Pi 3 - Model B+ - 1.4GHz Cortex-A53 with 1GB RAM $35.00 Add to...
mytemp ='%f' %temperature myhumi ='%f' %humidity tmp_output = open('/home/pi/pi/test/dht11/tmp_data.txt','w') hud_output = open('/home/pi/pi/test/dht11/hum_data.txt','w') tmp_output.write(mytemp) hud_output.write(myhumi) ...
Raspberry Pi Set-up Note the breadboard behind is unrelated, but it shows how a temperature sensor, button, and LED separately, but they are all built-in within the FEZ Hat, so we will stick to that. The connections to the Pi might look a lot, but they are things that are very...
$ python tempsensor.py Now you will have data sending to an Initial State dashboard. Go to the final section of this article for details on how to customize your dashboard. Step 6: DSB18B20 Solution The ribbon cable connects to the GPIO pins on the Pi. The DS18B20 has three wires. Th...
Raspberry PI IR surface temperature sensor danidct31 5 年多前 Hello, I have a Raspberry pi 3 with a MXL90614 from Sharplace. I am using it to measure the ground temperature of a race track, but its range is something like 2cm. Is there any way...
An Arduino sensor, a Raspberry Pi, and a Python program help a budding naturalist keep tabs on the conditions in his snake's terrarium.At the end of the last school semester, one of my young friends was allowed to purchase a pet snake (Figure 1). Because snakes are very sensitive to ...
You can access the sensor directly through /sys: [~]$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type bcm2835_thermal [~]$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 45464 [~]$ awk '{printf("\nrPI Temperature = %.1f °C\n\n",$1/1e3)}' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp rPI ...