echo "Current time: `date '+%F %T'`. Enjoy it" | mutt -s "IP Address of Raspberry Pi: $ETH0_IP_ADDR" 脚本很简单,分为3部分:第一部分检测网络可用性;第二部分取树莓派的eth0网卡的IP地址;第三部分发送邮件到指定的Email。 其中,第一部分是必须要有的,因为经过我试验,在本脚本...
echo"Current time: `date '+%F %T'`. Enjoy it"| mutt-s"IP Address of Raspberry Pi: $ETH0_IP_ADDR" 脚本很简单,分为3部分:第一部分检测网络可用性;第二部分取树莓派的eth0网卡的IP地址;第三部分发送邮件到指定的Email。 其中,第一部分是必须要有的,因为经过我试验,在本脚本执行时,...
@author: pi"""importsmtplibfromemail.mime.textimportMIMETextimportRPi.GPIO as gpioimporttime mail_to_1=""mail_to_2=""mail_to_3=''mail_to_4=""defsend_mail(to_list,title,content): mail_host=""mail_user="colipso"mail...
Raspberry PI Nginx 安装 1. 查看系统版本信息 root@raspberrypi:/tmp# cat /etc/os-release PRE...
root@raspberrypi:# ^D Static IP Network Configuration Almost everything is done in/etc/network/interfacesexcept for DNS resolution: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf domainexample.comsearchexample.comnameserver In theinterfacesfile, a line starting with "#" is a comment. "End...
Setting up Raspberry Pi OctoPrint Raspberry Pi Wireless Access Point How to Install Volumio on the Raspberry Pi Self-hosting Kavita on your Raspberry Pi How to Install Steam Link on the Raspberry PiLeave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * ...
sudo nvim /etc/rc.local su pi -c"/usr/bin/bash /home/pi/"&exit0 nvim~/.profile~/ Bitwarden sudo yarn global add @bitwarden/cli bw login [email] [password] export BW_SESSION="[token]" bw export --...
This Raspberry Pi email server tutorial will take you through on how to setup your very own mail server that is both low cost and relatively versatile.
You'll need a Raspberry Pi 4 (or Raspberry Pi 400)running the 64bit version of Ubuntu. To verify that you're running a compatible system, typearchinto your Raspberry Pi's command line and verify that it outputsaarch64. Install Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi | Ubuntu ...
sshpass -p "password" scp -v /home/pi/motion.log change where needed just copied and pasted and changed the password lol one line command to pass password with scp and transfer the file but the ssmtp email is also just a 1 line and sends whatever fil...