1. 后视镜一侧,树莓派+GPS模块+4G模块。可以查看笔者关于EC25-E模块的文章,看看笔者对GPS和4G天线的选择。2. 在另一侧,将用一个球关节臂来支撑Pi Camera进行定位。这些支架/外壳将用笔者信任的Prusa i3 MK3S 3D打印机打印。图1和图2显示了实施时的结构。请注意,C型夹持器是可插拔的,所以已经打印...
All parts were printed with a layer height of 0.20 in PLA. I have a Prusa I3 MK3S printer. I made a point to print it on the smooth plate. This made finishing easier. I arranged the back and front pieces so the support fins are oriented to make easy removal. Check your printer/sli...
Also purchased Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Lens - 6mm Wide Angle SEN-16762 I have having focus issues, very small focus range. I am using with a Prusa I3 MK3S MMU2+. Excellent product... Long delivery about 10 months ago by Member #168005 verified purchaser The product works exactly as ...
The larger size gives me the right height for my Prusa MK3. The lines you see in my printed pieces are from the tape I placed on my printer so the PETG didn't ruin the steel sheet. Files include: stl for: base, original sized front cover piece, larger sized front cover piece, ...
Here’s another look: Pi Zero 2 Quality Control Look at all of those “hairs” fraying off the board and how rough and uneven that edge is. Unbelievable. This is the definition of not even trying. Remember that I paid $57 for this board and you will pay even more if you want one ...
Here’s another look: Pi Zero 2 Quality Control Look at all of those “hairs” fraying off the board and how rough and uneven that edge is. Unbelievable. This is the definition of not even trying. Remember that I paid $57 for this board and you will pay even more if you want one ...