Raspberry Pi OS 新版本 Bookworm 的新特性 树莓派官方宣布了基于 Debian 12「Bookworm 书虫」的树莓派操作系统的新版本,从 Debian 11「Bullseye 靶心」升级而来,自 2021 年 11 月起作为树莓派操作系统的基础。正如公告中所解释的,在 Debian 11 和 Debian 12 之间切换时,从用户的角度来看没有太大变化,引擎盖下...
Raspberry Pi OS 新版本 Bookworm 的新特性 树莓派官方宣布了基于 Debian 12「Bookworm 书虫」的树莓派操作系统的新版本,从 Debian 11「Bullseye 」升级而来,自 2021 年 11 月起作为树莓派操作系统的基础。正如公告中所解释的,在 Debian 11 和 Debian 12 之间切换时,从用户的角度来看没有太大变化,引擎盖下发生...
新版Raspberry Pi OS 最大的变化是它现在基于最新的Debian GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm”操作系统系列。迄今为止,之前的 Raspberry Pi 操作系统版本均基于 Debian GNU/Linux 11“Bullseye”。 然而,尽管发生了这一变化,Raspberry Pi 操作系统仍然由长期支持的Linux 6.1 LTS内核系列提供支持,该内核系列将维持到 2026 年 ...
Debian Bookworm 本身主要是对上一版 Debian Bullseye 软件的增量更新。其中有一些小改动,但它们大多不会...
1、编辑 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list 文件(系统更新源),参考如下命令: 1 sudonano/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list 2、同样修改首行网址,修改后文件如下: 1 deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/raspberrypi bookworm main bookworm、bullseye、buster、stretch、jessie、wheezy 版本的系统按照...
During writing, the current stable version is Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye. If you are using an older version, it’s a good time to update it. Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm is not yet considered stable by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, so it’s not included in Raspberry Pi Imager or on their web...
Raspberry Pi OS Lite Release date:November 19th 2024 System:64-bit Kernel version:6.6 Debian version:12 (bookworm) Size:438MB ShowSHA256file integrity hash: Release notes DownloadDownload torrentArchive Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) A stable legacy version of Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye. ...
This is built from Debian 12 “Bookworm”, and supplants the previous “Bullseye” version. As well as the new OS base it comes with a pile of Pi-specific upgrades including an optimsied version of Mozilla Firefox. Probably most important is that henceforth (at least on 64-bit boards) its...
* Raspberry Pi OS Buster * Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye * Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm *注:* `Raspberry Pi OS` 由树莓派的开发与维护机构 [树莓派基金会](https://www.raspberrypi.org/) 官方支持,并推荐用作树莓派的首选系统,其基于 `Debian`。 @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ $ sudo add-apt-repository \ ...
If you boot Raspberry Pi OS on a Pi 4 or 5, you will now get a Wayfire desktop. It should look pretty much identical to the desktop you are used to from Bullseye, but appearances are deceptive — it has taken a lot of work to get to the point where the two desktop environments lo...