pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cat /etc/network/interfaces auto lo eth0 wlan0 iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet staticaddress iface wlan0 inet staticaddress Let's say you wanted to have multiple virtual interfaces, so this one ...
raspberry-pirpiraspberryrpi2rpi3noobsrpi1 UpdatedJan 7, 2025 Makefile CaribouLite turns any 40-pin Raspberry-Pi into a Tx/Rx 6GHz SDR radiorpifpgapisoftwaresdrraspberryicestormrfyosysice40defined UpdatedFeb 15, 2025 C Create and keep multiple backup versions of your running Raspberries ...
The build includes a cooling fan, external WiFi antenna, speaker, power switch and physical tuning knob. The built-in Raspberry Pi 4 compute module runs the HamPi image which includes multiple free SDR programs. In the video, Mirko shows the system in action with it running SDR++ and GQRX....
Pibrella, released when the Raspberry Pi GPIO had only 26 pins, is the ideal way to introduce electronics and programming to young minds. Designed for the original Raspberry Pi, but compatible with all models of Pi, Pibrella provides us with a simple push button, three LEDs and a buzzer. ...
Update: If you don’t have a computer except the Raspberry Pi, you can now use the new network boot feature to install your system. Check the link for more details about this. Also: Tired of Raspberry Pi OS? Level up with these top-rated systems. Download Raspberry Pi OS There are tw...
In this tutorial, we will show you how to configure your Raspberry Pi to utilize a static IP address. We will force the Pi to use a static IP by modifying the Raspberry Pi’s DHCP client daemon or using the network tools. The network software controls the way the operating system ...
You will find that predictable network names are useful when a device has multiple network connections. Instead of naming the interfaces wlan0 or eth0, it instead names them en (ethernet) or wl (wlan) followed by an x. It is lastly followed by a mac address (without any colons). For ...
We’ve already covered Raspberry Pi HAT+ boards with multiple M.2 sockets with various keyings including the Geekworm X1004 HAT+, Pineboards HatDrive! AI, and HatDrive! Dual with two sockets, and the Geekworm X1011 with four M.2 Key-M sockets. So when I saw Seeed Studio introduced a...
MicroPython, Raspberry Pi Pico Using Multiple Raspberry Pi Pico PIO State Machines at the Same Time December 17, 2024 In this video lesson we show how you can work with more than one state machine at the same time in microPython on the Raspberry Pi Pico W. We show this in the context...
Also addressed in this announcement is a looming changeover that was bound to happen eventually: the move from 32-bit to 64-bit operating systems on the Pi. While a 32-bit image can access all of this larger memory across multiple process, it can’t devote more than 3 GB to a single ...