如果遇到了困难,那么就使用Python内置的http.server模块进行开发和测试,直到找到解决方案。 Python还提供了流行的web框架,包括Django和Flask。两者中,Flask更简单、轻量。 我们到现在为止的探索只是触及了表面。请继续享受这一过程,看看下一步会有什么发现。
新建一个 uwsgi 文件夹存放 uwsgi 相关的文件(配置、日志等),这个文件夹可以存放在任意位置,我将它放置在了 django 项目根目录下,其目录即为 /home/pi/www/uwsgi/,在文件夹下新建一个 uwsgi.ini 文件。文件内容如下: # uwsgi使用配置文件启动 [uwsgi] # 项目根目录,并非是app目录 chdir=/home/pi/www/demo...
【Project 1】:local-raspi-remote-switch** (Django)** 室友:起床打Go了! 懒狗一样的俺:先在床上打开浏览器启动电脑😅,换个姿势打开向日葵启动Steam。继续躺床上等待室友匹配... 该项目基于Python3+Django实现。通过访问WEB页面,控制树莓派的GPIO开关PC。对按钮进行了一定限制,避免频繁触碰物理开关。但早起的...
1. Your first task is to set up and install the Apache webserver to your Raspberry Pi. Our guide will walk you through the simple steps of getting the Apache software up and running. You do not have to worry about setting up PHP as Django operates using Python. 2. In addition to the...
The advantage of using the EEPROM instead is that the Raspberry Pi 4 can perform tasks without needing any storage to be attached.Pi-Apps is a Raspberry Pi App Store for Open Source Projects.Backup Raspberry Pi Server is an Ansible configuration to set up a Raspberry Pi as a backup server...
WSGIis a Python specification for an interface between a web server on one side, and an application or an application framework (e.g., Django) on the other side. This specification defines an API whose implementation is left open. uWSGIimplements the WSGI interface by providing an application ...
In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with a Raspberry Pi that can toggle two LEDs using a Python microframework called Flask.
Install a Web Server (Nginx) on Your Raspberry Pi Next, you’ll install the web server. I prefer Nginx because it has a small memory footprint, and because it plays well with Node.js (which you’ll be setting up later). Other web servers, such asApacheorlighttpd, would work as well...
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Getting your Raspberry Pi System Information using Neofetch Synchronizing Files on your Raspberry Pi with Syncthing Installing Django on your Raspberry Pi Play Classic Games using DOSBox on the Raspberry Pi How to Install Volumio on the Raspberry Pi How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Apache Web ServerLeave...