Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 产品说明书
This version of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 includes a high-performance 64-bit quad-core processor, 8GB LPDDR4 RAM, dual-display support at resolutions up to 4K, hardware video decode at up to 4Kp60, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0, dual camera interface
The Compute Module 4 by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is a single-board computer (SBC) that is meant to be used in embedded devices. It has many new capabilities that have not been seen on other Pis before such as a built in eMMC module (optional) and has PCI express capabilities when us...
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此前,所有树莓派计算模块都采用 SODIMM 规范,Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 则采用全新的外形设计,不再兼容原有插槽。该紧凑型模块凭借独特的优势,获得了诸如自动售卖机系统和医疗监测设备等工业领域的广泛应用。
The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4S (CM4S) datasheet provides engineers with design data for an advanced single-board computer for embedded applications.
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4发布,更小巧却更强大的迷你SBC 大家对Raspberry Pi最广泛的印象,应该都是它那个信用卡大小的外观体积,但其实他们还有Zero以及Compute Module两种形态,当中Compute Module有着接近原版Raspberry Pi的硬件性能,却更加小巧和价格低廉,广受一些低成本和紧凑项目的青睐,在距离上代两年多时间...
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