curl --request POST --data-binary @"/home/pi/image.jpg" --header "U-ApiKey: 此处填写你的APIKEY" --url这里用自己的url代替) 给这个脚本增加可执行权限 chmod +x /home/pi/ 现在执行下这个命令看上传成功了没有/home/pi/...
kernel /vmlinuz.efi boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/soft/os/ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso ro quiet splash vga=normal nomodesetinitrd /initrd.lz### 启动种鸡系统# 更改 root 口令后打开其登录 shellsudo passwd rootsu -### 分区# grub-legacy 不支持 ext4,故必须留有 /...
Using this key will make the Raspberry Pi ignore our boot configuration file and load up with the default settings. Conclusion At this point in the guide, you should now have successfully managed to change the resolution on your Raspberry Pi. Please feel free to leave a comment below if you...
If, like me, you don’t use a QWERTY keyboard, the first thing you are probably looking for on your Raspberry Pi is how to change the default layout. In this article, I will explain how to do this on Raspberry Pi OS. On Raspberry Pi OS, the default keyboard layout is QWERTY. If ...
From Raspberry PI Imager 1.7.1, the Foundation added to its official flashing software the ability to pre-configure some settings to be ready from the very first boot. After pressing the NEXT button, you will be asked if you want to change the settings or, if this isn’t the first time...
2. Copy the public key to Raspberry Pi: ssh-copy-id pi@[IP_address] Keep the private key secure, as the system's security depends on safeguarding the private key. 3. Disable password authentication in theSSH configfile on Raspberry Pi. Open theconfiguration filein atext editor, such as ...
We've gathered ten of the best Raspberry Pi projects we've had the honor of covering over the last month.
Lession 1: Raspberry Pi LESSON 1: First Boot and Configuring the Desktop, Panel, Menu and Preferences Lession 2: Raspberry Pi LESSON 2: Linux Essentials in One Session Lession 3: Raspberry Pi LESSON 3: Python Essentials in One Session Lession 4: Raspberry Pi LESSON 4: Understanding and Using...
Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi and power it up. STEP 10: On the first boot, the "raspi-config" menu will pop up. Note: If you are at the command shell prompt. You can key in"sudo raspi-config" to access to this menu. "raspi-config" menu Note: You may find yourse...
Starting your Photo Frame at Boot 9. Now if you plan on setting your Raspberry Pi up as a digital photo frame, you will want to have this script ran every time your Pi powers on. This section will cover how you can easily achieve this. The first thing we must do is get the ID of...