LCD panel with minimum resolution of 1024x600 and small enough to be mounted in the car (optional if you are using your phone to connect to the pi via phone hotspot sharing). Windshield mount or a way to secure the display OBD usb cable. This is how we will be getting the car's dat...
KZ35 Constant Current Electronic Load USB Type C QC2.0 3.0 AFC FCP triggers Battery Tester Discharge Battery Capacity Meter $1.60 - $1.70 Min. order: 1 unit Pico W Development Board RP2040 Dual Core Wireless WiFi Raspberry Pi Pico W motherboard $1.80 - $6.80 Min. order: 5 units DHT...
Added support for the BNO055. The BNO055 always uses its onchip fusion rather than RTIMULib filters. This will not work reliably with the Raspberry Pi/Pi2 due to clock-stretching issues. April 30 2015 - 6.2.1 Added second order temperature compensation for MS5611 and MS5637. MS5637 still...