//cd /etc/cups/ //sudo wget http://jxeeno.tk/local–files/blog:raspberry-pi:print-server/cupsd.conf 更改配置文件部分参数如下: # Only listen for connections from the local machine. #Listen localhost:631 #CHANGED TO LISTEN TO LOCAL LAN Port631 # Restrict access to the server… <Location/...
//sudo wget http://jxeeno.tk/local–files/blog:raspberry-pi:print-server/cupsd.conf 更改配置文件部分参数如下: # Only listen for connections from the local machine. #Listen localhost:631 #CHANGED TO LISTEN TO LOCAL LAN Port 631 # Restrict access to the server… <Location /> Order allow,d...
Raspberry Pi Google Cloud Print Server, Hak5 1805|Hak5|151118 标签:树莓派视频
RPI 上需要安装 tightvncserver + X window manager(我这里使用了轻量级的 Fluxbox + lxterminal)。我们需要进行如下配置 vncpasswd 设置登录密码,编辑 ~/.vnc/config session=fluxbox geometry=1920x1200 localhost alwaysshared 然后测试一下,执行 vncserver -name pi,此时它占用 :1(对应 5901 端口),然后通过其他机...
Raspberry Pi OS是树莓派官方推荐的系统(以前称为Raspbian),从起初的名字Raspbian就可以看出,它是基于Debian来为树莓派专门定制的版本,加上了针对树莓派深度定制的硬件驱动和程序。可登陆官网(http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads),获取最新版本的系统进行安装。
If you connect the LED directly to the 3.3V pin of the Raspberry Pi, you’d probably burn the LED, as it wouldn’t support the current passing by it. By using Ohm’s law (V = R*I), you need to add a 220 Ω (Red/Red/Black) resistor in the circuit. If...
Sharing a folder enables you to use your preferred desktop text editor (such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text) to edit files on your Raspberry Pi instead of using nano or vi.To share a folder with Windows, configure a Samba server on the Raspberry Pi. Alternatively,...
32-bit Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 11 (oldstable) Uninstall old versions Before you can install Docker Engine, you need to uninstall any conflicting packages. Your Linux distribution may provide unofficial Docker packages, which may conflict with the official packages provided by Docker. You must unins...
Raspberry Piの各種環境構築に役立つかもしれないPlaybookをまとめたものである。それなりに新しいAnsibleでも動作するとおもう。 Role 一覧 role名内容依存するRolevarsの有無RPi OS動作確認状況 bme280tozabbixbme280の値をZabbixに送りつけるなしありBookworm ...
Design, simulation and programming of Internet of Things (IoT) appliances with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.