You can watch a full guide byMODDED WARFARE pppwn.local Q: Why can't I connect to pppwn.local on my phone? A: Because you're not on the same network as the raspberry pi, turn off your VPN and connect to wifi. GOLDHEN PPPWN support ...
let’s just assume that you have a Raspberry Pi 4 (see parts list at the bottom). The “version 4” bit is important because it has a significantly better network card (eth0) than prior models (Gigabit). This points at thebiggest limitationof using the RPi as a router: the bandwidth ...
After that, cron started to rotate and compress my logs as normal, before that, they were growing by many megabytes per day and would have filled up the SD card and crashed the Pi. This may or may not be relevant to your problem, I thought I'd mention it as it was a problem I ...