Orange Pi launches its Zero 2W Single-Board Computer, offering faster clocks and 8x Times the RAM. The board was designed to go toe-to-toe with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. This SBC includes a handy 24-pin expansion header with...
A simple, responsive web interface to control wifi, hostapd and related services on the Raspberry Pi. This project was inspired by ablog postby SirLagz about using a web page rather than ssh to configure wifi and hostapd settings on the Raspberry Pi. I mostly just prettified the UI by ...
The fungi were isolated from the root, rhizosphere or rhizoplane of the raspberry using serial dilution or by placing the sample material on agar media (Rose Bengal Agar with Chloramphenicol (Biocorp®, Warszawa, Poland), Pikovskaya Agar Medium [82], Potato Dextrose Lab Agar (A&A ...