to access Plex’s live TV and DVR features. Also, if you’re using a Raspberry Pi as your server, be aware that CPU-intensive transcoding on multiple streams or high-resolution channels can cause performance issues. This might result in choppy playback or excessive heat buildup on the Pi....
sudo apt update 8.安装Plex媒体服务器 sudo apt install plexmediaserver-installer 9.创建默认配置文件,以便Plex知道要在哪个用户下操作 sudo nano /etc/default/plexmediaserver.prev 将里面的的 PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_USER=plex 修改为 PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_USER=pi 10. 重启PLEX服务,看到如下界面说明已经安装成功 sy...
树莓派(Raspberry Pi)是一款由英国树莓派基金会(Raspberry Pi Foundation)开发的微型单板计算机,旨在以低成本、高灵活性的硬件推动计算机科学教育。自2012年发布以来,它已成为全球创客、开发者和教育者的热门工具,被广泛应用于编程学习、物联网、自动化、媒体中心等领域。 树莓派的核心特点 低成本 价格通常在几十到几...
Discover a diverse Projects List showcasing innovative uses of technology with Raspberry Pi, offering inspiration and detailed guides.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Plex on your Raspberry PI computer board. This article will guide you through preparing the Raspberry PI board and installing a Plex server so that you will be able to reach it from all the devices in your home. Being one of the most ...
RaspberryPi是一款袖珍型电脑,几乎具备普通电脑的所有功能,包括USB端口、LAN 端口、音频/视频输出、HDMI端口等。它还内置蓝牙和Wi-Fi连接,非常适合构建各种在线服务器,如 Webserver、 媒体服务器、 打印服务器、 Plex 服务器 等。所以在这里我们将使用 Raspberry Pi-文件服务器或NAS(网络附加存储)创建另一个服务器,...
家庭媒体中心:使用 Kodi 或 Plex 将您的 Raspberry Pi 变成媒体中心,让您可以从本地网络或互联网流式传输电影、电视节目和音乐。 自动植物浇水系统:建立一个带有湿度传感器的系统来监测植物土壤湿度并在需要时自动给植物浇水。 智能门铃:使用 Raspberry Pi 和摄像头模块创建智能门铃,当有人按门铃时,该模块会发送通知...
Raspberry Pi 5(October, 2023) Raspberry Pi 400(November, 2020) Raspberry Pi Pico(January, 2021) Raspberry Pi Pico 2(August, 2024) Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W(October, 2021) Raspberry Pi Pico W(June, 2022) OS Images Projects iOS RaspController- Allows you to easily manage your Raspberry Pi remo...
This is also the case if you want to turn your Raspberry Pi into a media streaming device. To do so, you will need to use an application like OSMC or Plex Media Server. Although not as resource intense as making a retro gaming rig, these programs can still cause lag or slow playback...
Raspberry Pi 5 board. Image credit: Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers Get your Raspberry Pi 5 first | HackSpace Priority Boarding - get your Raspberry Pi 5 first | The MagPi The Raspberry Pi 5 has a 16nm Broadcom BCM2712 (Arm Cortex-A76 quad-core 64-bit CPU @ 2.4 GHz), wh...