RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验:https://sxf1024.lanzous.com/b09rp498d 密码:9y3f 哔哩哔哩视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Be411x7Nq/ 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取...
RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验: 密码:9y3f 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取传感器信息并显示 获取天气、新闻等信息并显示 UI界面绘制魔镜界面绘制 安卓APP 获取备忘录信息并显示 推送使用...
Step 1: Installing MagicMirror² On your Raspberry Pi’s terminal, enter the following: curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/master/installers/raspberry.sh | bash That’s it! You should now have a magic mirror up and running on your Raspberry Pi. If you run ...
RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验:https://sxf1024.lanzous.com/b09rp498d 密码:9y3f 哔哩哔哩视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Be411x7Nq/ 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取传感...
5– Magic mirror This project is well known to Raspberry Pi users, so it has its place on this list.Michael Teeuwwas the first to develop this idea, which was then picked up by hundreds of people he inspired. Also:Don’t waste money — read this guide before picking your Raspberry Pi...
5. Enable SSH on your Pi and connect remotely SSH (Secure shell) is a network protocol that’s used to connect to computers remotely. That way, you can send commands to your Pi from your PC, which is handy if it’s hanging up on the wall behind a mirror!
Magic Mirror is the quintessential Raspberry Pi project that shows up on almost every project list. It is a one-way mirror (or two-way mirror) with a digital display behind it. The Raspberry Pi's low-power nature, small size, and networking capabilities are particularly well-suited for the...
Mike showed magic mirrors originally (https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/magic-mirror/). I had a raspberry pi lying around from a failed project, so I figured why not give it a try… how hard could it be? My mirror shows the time, the weather, the state of my garage door (open or...
MagicMirror2下简称MM2,中文魔镜,主要作用是信息聚合显示以及交互 详情请阅读官方说明 MM2本质上分为后端和前端 后端其实是一个网页服务器,前端是浏览器 官网解释Raspberry Pi 2代以上可以直接安装运行,而0/1没有具体说明 // 0/1因为arm架构原因,node.js不支持,无法安装npm,所以安装比较麻烦,但已经有人在zero上成...
Magic Mirror Documentation: Manual Installation Install NodeSource We first need to install NodeSource. Open a terminal window on your Raspberry Pi desktop. Then copy and paste the following code: Copy Codecurl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash - ...