Raspberry Pi 4 Your tiny, dual-display,desktop computer …and robot brains, smart home hub, media centre, networked AI core, factory controller, andmuch more Get startedTech specsBuy now Completely upgraded, re-engineered Faster, more powerful...
Multi-Max Keyboard Computer是款可以搭配Raspberry Pi之类单板计算机使用的键盘,方便用于打造土炮迷你计算机。先前Raspberry Pi基金会推出了Raspberry Pi 400迷你计算机,将Raspberry Pi 4硬件装入键盘之内,因此只要将它接让电源与屏幕,就可以作为功能完整的计算机使用,并可通过USB、GPIO端子连接各种周边设备。Multi-Max K...
Raspberry Pi 400 is your complete personal computer, built into a compact keyboard. Featuring a quad-core 64-bit processor, 4GB of RAM, wireless networking, dual-display output, and 4K video playback, as well as a 40-pin GPIO header, it's the most powerf
A ready-to-use Raspberry Pi-based computer built into a keyboard Faster processor Available in kits with everything you need to get started Cons Doesn’t have all the ports of a Raspberry Pi 4 No audio-out jack Doesn’t fit all HATs ...
Introducing the New Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi400Fully enclosed RPi 4 based desktop computer with all the connectivity of a Raspberry Pi 4The Kit includes RPi 400, Power supply, Mouse, SD card (pre-programmed), beginners guide, 1 x micro HDMI cable
与此同时,70美元的独立版本现已在英国、美国、法国和德国发售,下周将在意大利和西班牙发售。印度、澳大利亚和新西兰将在今年年底前发布。 国内的小伙伴们,要不要入手一个呢? https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/2/21542278/raspberry-pi-400-keyboard-computer-arm-release-date-news-features...
正如Raspberry Pi用户手册指出的:“Raspberry Pi 400并没有用户可自行维护更换的零部件,打开设备有可能损坏组件并丧失质保权益。”Raspberry Pi 400的完整规格如下:Raspberry Pi 400 is out: $70 for a complete PC with a faster Pi 4 in a keyboard(首图来源:Raspberry Pi)
It’s a Raspberry Pi. It’s a keyboard. Raspberry Pi 400 incorporates a purpose-built board based on Raspberry Pi 4. Featuring the same powerful processor, Raspberry Pi 400 has specially designed thermals to keep your computer cool and silent while you’re hard at work. ...
Over on his YouTube channel andHackaday.io blog page, Nicholas LaBonte has shown his "Cyberdeck Handheld" which is a portable computer consisting of a Raspberry Pi 5, LCD screen, custom CNC'd keyboard, UPS module, and an RTL-SDR. All the components are placed in an aesthetically pleasing...
Set up Raspberry Pi with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse (we won’t need these by the end of the tutorial). Power up and go through the setup process. Make sure you change the default password during setup. Open a Terminal window and make sure everything is up to date with: sudo...