Pi Box是一种便携式方式,可以随身携带你的单板计算机(SBC)正如Arnov Sharma在Hackaday.io上发布的那样,Pi Box被设计为一个自包含的盒子,让您在移动时也能使用Pi。它结合了Raspberry Pi 4、显示屏、电池和一个3D打印的外壳:这个箱子本身由两个隔间组成。后面的隔间装电池,前面的隔间装Raspberry Pi 4和屏幕。
I received few days ago a 3D printed case for the Raspberry Pi 4 from219 Design. This case is designed to work withPi-Fan-like fans. The Pi-Fan is a common fan used in several cooling systems for Raspberry Pi. It’s a small 30x30x7mm fan that can operate at 3.3V or 5V. Perfect...
详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为sw,stl,stp 格式的聚苯乙烯4 Raspberry Pi案例(PS4 case for raspberry pi), 本站编号105242674, 该爱给模型库素材大小为52m, 更多精彩爱给模型库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 3D模型CAD打印 感兴趣。 供稿...
The 3d printed VESA mounted case for this is in the link below: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B VESA Case A great low cost pc that can be used for basic tasks, day to day browsing, video playing, etc... Designed by the Raspberry Pi foundation whose aim is to educate people about PCs, compu...
For dedicated makers, the Raspberry Pi integrates well into any 3D printing workflow to make it more robust and less prone to problems
模型名称:Raspberry Pi树莓派外盒 模型作者:yiqian 打印实物标题 打印照片 点击图标上传 支持图片文件:PNG、JPG。(单图500K以内) 为避免图片拉升,建议最小尺寸820*496px(长宽比5:3) 打印过程描述 曝光指数 80% 打印参数 打印机 请选择打印机 打印材料 ...
打印派用户jiawang分享的Raspberry Pi 树莓派电路板保护盒3D打印照片,打印过程实录,您可以根据用户上传图片查看打印效果。
随时随地在网页端查看你的3D打印机,随时随地打印你的模型 树莓派的使用方法自行Google 懒人版:下载最新镜像http://docstech.net/OctoPiMirror/ 用USB Image Tool 或 Win32DiskImager直接拷入树莓派连接网络即可 ssh连接树莓派 树莓派安装wiki:https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki/Setup-on-a-Raspberry-Pi-run...
这次Raspberry Pi 4带有两个USB 3.0接口,连接USB闪盘甚至SSD就要比MicroSD卡快很多了,但要从USB启动,Raspberry Pi 4需要升级EEPROM,也就是bootloader,目前官方还没有正式版的EEPROM支持USB启动,只有beta版,但到现在已经出蛮多版改进了(最早是今年5月底放出),所以稳定性应该没问题了,这个操作也挺简单,...
As posted byArnov Sharma on Hackaday.io, the Pi Box is designed to be a self-contained box that lets you use your Pi while on the move. It combines the Raspberry Pi 4, a display, a battery, and a 3D-printed shell: Here, we are using Rasperry Pi 4 combined with the DFRobot's...