这次Raspberry Pi 4带有两个USB 3.0接口,连接USB闪盘甚至SSD就要比MicroSD卡快很多了,但要从USB启动,Raspberry Pi 4需要升级EEPROM,也就是bootloader,目前官方还没有正式版的EEPROM支持USB启动,只有beta版,但到现在已经出蛮多版改进了(最早是今年5月底放出),所以稳定性应该没问题了,这个操作也挺简单,升...
这次Raspberry Pi 4带有两个USB 3.0接口,连接USB闪盘甚至SSD就要比MicroSD卡快很多了,但要从USB启动,Raspberry Pi 4需要升级EEPROM,也就是bootloader,目前官方还没有正式版的EEPROM支持USB启动,只有beta版,但到现在已经出蛮多版改进了(最早是今年5月底放出),所以稳定性应该没问题了,这个操作也挺简单,升级完最新bet...
Bug report Describe the bug When opening a Half SBS 3D movie, like This Avatar trailer, and using 3D SBS playback, the result on RaspberryPI 4 (using LibreELEC) is not correct. As clearly explained in this forum thread: First quarter (le...
最后想说的是,在这么一台Raspberry Pi能做到上面那么多事情,真的非常有意思了。但玩归玩,其实除了上上网、码码字、看看视频、玩玩模拟器这些可以推荐外,视频剪辑、3D动画、直播就只是折腾和玩玩好了,我个人还是建议大家购置高性能的PC来做这类生产力使用,毕竟玩和工作是两回事。
Test 3: Pi-Fan (3.3V), closed case –idle state:34°C –load state:46°C And the noise? It’s much better now, the fan is barely audible and keeps the CPU more or less at the same temperature. 3– Conclusion If you have access to a 3D printer (at home, in a fab lab, onli...
Igalia 继续维护 Raspberry Pi 单板计算机使用的 Broadcom V3D 开源图形驱动程序代码。今天发布的 V3D DRM 驱动程序新补丁系列启用了对超级页(Super Pages)的支持,有助于提高图形性能。在许多基准测试中,超级页可以将性能提高几个百分点,但在某些极端情况下,可以提高 19% 至 42%。
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B / Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.step step March 27th, 2023 Comments (1) Please log in to add comments Cas Bremer what the hell what is this file XD i have waited 15 minutes in solidworks 2021 and it is still opening it haha 9 May 2023 9:24 AM ©...
The raspberry Pi v2 and v3, racked on the right, must be installed (OS + SSH) before insertion in the rack: The central pillar prevents the use of the hdmi on these models. No issue with v4. Print Settings Resolution: 0.2 Infill: 33 Filament_brand: Chromatick Filament_material: PLA ...