注意:仅支持Raspberry Pi 4B 64位系统安装 Miniconda 查看内存信息 pi@raspbian:~/Software/vvcat_bot$ free total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 929804 370128 273192 4832 286484 481116 Swap: 1048572 245248 803324 1. 2. 3. 4. 查看系统信息 lsb_release -a 1. pi@raspbian...
I'm trying to run home-assistant:stable with the docker compose method on an Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2 (512MB RAM / armv6l). This is obviously not a good platform, but it's what I had available for a test. The OS is Raspbian/bullseye, with docker ce 20.10.17 https://github.co...
Raspberry Pi 安装操作系统引导教程 官方文档地址 https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/software-guide/quickstart/ 准备: 一块树莓派开发板,SD卡,SD卡读卡器,显示... NOOBS文件。 访问树莓派官方下载页面https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/,点击NOOBS。 在‘NOOBS (offline and智能...
准备一张16G以上的内存卡 进入到树莓派官网下载官方完整板系统连接点击此处 下载 Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop and recommended software Mac上树莓派系统安装及连接(超详细) Mac上树莓派系统安装及连接 工具下载 TF卡准备工作烧录系统镜像 连接树莓派 工具下载 烧录工具我使用的balenaEtcher,连接树莓派使...
pi@raspbian:~/Software/go_cqhttp$ tar -zxvf go-cqhttp_linux_armv7.tar.gz LICENSE README.md go-cqhttp 第一次运行 go-cqhttp,需要生成 config.yml 配置文件进行加载 ./go-cqhttp faststart 1. pi@raspbian:~/Software/go_cqhttp$ ./go-cqhttp faststart ...
1,将树莓派和GrovePi组装 树莓派的引脚和GrovePi的插槽,从顶端对其,如下图所示组装 2,GrovePi驱动软件安装 有两种安装方式: a, 下载到电脑上,然后安装到树莓派的SD卡中 b, 直接在树莓派Debian系统中安装 由于公司电脑没有SD卡插槽,选择第二种安装方式 ...
download -> Raspian Desktop & recommended software download -> Raspian Lite [角蜂鸟 百度网盘 密码: k1x6] 角蜂鸟镜像作者,换了国内apt-get和pip源。 如果不用角蜂鸟的镜像,是需要自己换源的。 要看一下自己机器是什么架构,树莓派 3B/B+ 的话,记得选择armv7 架构的源 ...
Now that the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and the Pi 3 Model B+ are the latest and greatest in the line of Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers, what's new? This hookup guide goes through the same process of getting going that worked with the Pi 2, but from a Pi 3 point of view.Covere...
1. Raspberry Pi OS Stretch download Download Raspberry Pi OS from Raspberry Pi official website and select “with desktop and recommended software” version.2. Etcher Click to download Etcher here, and burn the *.img.xz file directly to your SD card with Etcher. Or unzip the *.img.xz fil...
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 初学者套装说明书 Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit A lot of fun squeeezed into a tiny computer! Everything* you need to to get started with the Raspberry Pi 3 B+, plus a friendly getting started guide.Our getting started guide shows you, in a really friendly and ...