Hello all, I need assistance with an issue. I am trying to configure my Pi as a Wireless Access Point (WAP). I have it all configured according to the Adafruit Guidehttps://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-as-a-wifi-access-point/overview When I run "sudo ...
Hardware setup. The Hw required for this project is: Raspberry pi 2 board (Farnell), a wifi dongle, i used a TL-775 but many other have similar functionality, a 5V/1A power supply with micro-usb connector, an sd card with 4Gbytes of minimum storage, an external board connected at ras...
De Raspberry Pi (model B) heeft een vaste LAN connectie, uiteraard kun je ook een WiFi dongle via een USB poort er op aansluiten, de Raspberry Pi kan goed omgaan met Realtek chipsets, deze worden veelal out-of-the-box ondersteund! op deze website kun je een lijst vinden van ...
Is there any CC2530 ZigBee usb dongle for Raspberry Pi? I see that there is one for beaglebone. That should work with Raspberry Pi too as it is plugged into usb? Anyone here has experience on that? I need to use the Raspberry Pi as the ZigBee coordinator.9...
Fedora handled our hardware quite well, we used the official Raspberry Pi Wifi dongle to connect to the Internet and it required no extra configuration steps, unlike Ubuntu which required a hack of the wpa_supplicants.conf file. Fedora is a slick and very usable distro and we enjoyed the ex...
Setup port 18 as an input port. root@raspberrypi:~# echo "in" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction Reading input port 18. root@raspberrypi:~# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value Command prompt will return the following value (logic 0) after reading the port. 0root@raspberrypi:~# The po...
You have everything that you need for your Raspberry Pi, and you want to connect it all. Solution Unless you are embedding your Raspberry Pi in a project or using it as a media center, you need to attach a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor, and possibly a WiFi dongle, if you have an ...
The official universal USB WiFi dongle for Raspberry Pi. This product was announced as End of Life in January 2018.
FLIRC USB IR Remote Dongle for Raspberry Pi SKU: PIS-0009 The FLIRC USB dongle allows the use of any remote control with your Raspberry Pi. Configure the device on your desktop PC, then simply plug into your Pi for a perfect media centre companion! Amaze your friends and family when the...
Setup This guide assumes your Raspberry Pi has been configured and is already connected to the Internet. To learn how to do this, we suggest followingthis quick start guide from Raspberry Pi Foundation. If you’re using a WiFi dongle, we suggestusing Wicd to manage your WiFi connection. ...