A strange plane crash, a missing husband and a talking robot combine in Sunny, Katie Robbins' dramedy about a woman in Kyoto, Japan, trying to find out what really happened to her family. In the trailer above we're introduced to Suzie (Rashida Jones), whose husband Masa (Drive My Car'...
Quincy Joneswas not only a legendary record producer, but also a proud father. The music giant welcomed seven children before hedied at age 91in November 2024. “Tonight, with full but broken hearts, we must share the news of our father and brother Quincy Jones’ passing. And althoug...
Well, the pair might have planned to get married soon and live happily with their kids as a husband and wife. Besides this, Jones further date some guys in past. In1996, Jones began datingTobey Maguirebut they failed to continue their relationship and separated in2000. Caption-Rashida Jones ...
Quincy Joneswas not only a legendary record producer, but also a proud father. The music giant welcomed seven children before hedied at age 91in November 2024. “Tonight, with full but broken hearts, we must share the news of our father and brother Quincy Jones’ passing. And although this...