and a rash on your body and around youreyes. You get it from the bite of an aedes mosquito, found all over the world, or from an infected person’s blood or semen or other sexual fluids. There’s no specific treatment, but rest, fluids, and over-the-counter drugs can help ease you...
Is your rash over your entire body? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have a rash that is caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. A rash is an area of redness on an individual’s skin, with or without raised lesions, that spreads and is a direct result of...
first place, but they do know that stress, irritants (like soaps), allergens, and climate can trigger flares. In adults, it often appears on the elbows, hands, and in skin folds. Several medications treat eczema. Some are spread over the skin, and others are taken by mouth or as a ...
Herpes simplex can be differentiated from herpes zoster based on the area the lesions appear on the body.Primary syphilisandchancroidcan also be distinguished from HSV, as they usually only cause single sores. If there is any doubt as to the cause of the sore, a simple test calledpolymerase...
Some dermatologists have reported cases of so-called "COVID toe" in both adults and children. Some patients found it painful when their toes were pressed, and others did not. What Are the Different Types of Rashes? Rashes may be divided into two types: infectious or noninfectious. While th...
A black widow spider is typically easy to identify because of the classic markings on its body. Photo by Vincent Iannelli, MD Even with only 4,000 species of spiders in North America, that’s a lot of spiders. And believe it or not, that’s a good thing. All of those spiders eat ...
The cause of neurodermatitis is unknown, but it occurs most often in adults who have other skin conditions, including other types of dermatitis. Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitisis most commonly known as dandruff or cradle cap. It’s a type of dermatitis that causes red or white scales...
Atopic dermatitis affects approximately 25% of children and 2-10% of adults and is becoming an increasingly common cause of rashes on feet. Causes:The exact cause of foot eczema is unknown and it may be due to a number of factors including an inability for the skin to provide an effective...
We are technically all contagious all the time since most adults have been infected and constantly shed this virus via saliva, so a baby with roseola isn’t any more contagious than you. Ringworm Ringworm Culprit: Fungus What does it look like?
And then there's the matter of latency: not all viruses are cleared from the body after acute infection. Some, likeherpes simplex virustypes 1 and 2 and VZV, establish lifelong latent infections in neurons (i.e., their genomes are deposited into neurons). Reactivation of viral replication ca...