Rashba, Emmanuel I.. "Theory of electrical spin injection: Tunnel contacts as a solution of the conductivity mismatch problem."Physical Review B62.24 (2000). 1、自旋轨道耦合 (Spin-orbit coupling) 当电子在磁场中运动的时候,它会受到垂直于其运动方向的Lorentz力F→=−emp→×B→,并且会获得Zeeman能...
Asmar, M. M. & Ulloa, S. E. Rashba spin-orbit interaction and birefringent electron optics in graphene. Phys. Rev. B 87, 075420 (2013).Asmar, M.M.; Ulloa, S.E. Rashba spin-orbit interaction and birefringent electron optics in graphene. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 87, 075420....
We demonstrate in this work the effect of Rashba spinorbit interaction (SOI) on multiphoton optical transitions of a quantum dot (QD) in the presence of a terahertz (THz) laser field and external static magnetic field. This combination is solved by accurate nonperturbative Floquet theory. ...
Our methods uses three terminal mesoscopic device, in which one of the terminal acts as a voltage probe. We show that the Voltage measured at the non-magnetic voltage probe depends on the strength of Rashba spin-orbit interaction.T. P. PareekPhysics...
We study graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with armchair edges in the presence of Rashba spin- orbit interactions (RSOI). We impose the boundary conditions on the tight binding Hamiltonians for bulk graphene with RSOI by means of a sine transform and study the influence of RSOI on the spectra ...
Cuoco, C. Ortix, Curvature-induced Rashba spin-orbit interaction in strain-driven nanostructures, SPIN 3 (2013) 1340002.GENTILE, P.; CUOCO, M.; ORTIX, C. Curvature-induced Rashba spin-orbit interaction in strain-driven nanostructures. SPIN, v. 3, p. 1340002, 2013. Cited on page 82....
Spin–orbit coupling induces a unique form of Zeeman interaction in momentum space in materials that lack inversion symmetry: the electron’s spin is locked on an effective magnetic field that is odd in momentum. The resulting interconnection between the electron’s momentum and its spin leads to...
In the present work, we study the influences of the temperature and the Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the oscillation period of the bound polaron in the quantum pseudodot using the Lee-Low-Pines unitary transformation, the variational method of Pekar-type and the quantum statistical theory. ...
4) Rashba spin-orbit interaction Rashba自旋轨道相互作用 1. The hole spin precession is controlled by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in 2DHG formed in Ge channel modulation-doped structure. 在Ge沟道调制掺杂异质结构形成的二维空穴气中 ,空穴的自旋进动主要受Rashba自旋轨道相互作用控制 。
We study the effects of dipolar interactions on a Bose-Einstein condensate with synthetically generated Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The dipolar interaction includes long-range direct and spin-exchange terms in addition to terms that couple spin and orbital angular momentum in a way perfectly congruent...