Intertrigo is a common skin condition that can cause a rash on the inner thigh. It occurs when there is friction and moisture in the skin folds, leading to inflammation and irritation. This condition is more likely to occur in areas where the skin rubs against each other, such as the inne...
Well recently i noticed that I had a rash on my inner thigh both on the right and left side. It is really itchy and my testicles are starting to itch as well. The rash is pretty big and is raised. Also, about two days ago I noticed that when i puled my foreskin back the left ...
I have super itchy red bumps on my inner thigh, underarms and inside the elbows. They get dark and then seem to dry out. They have been spreading since February and last time I had it it lasted 4 months and then back to this. It's scary coz I keep scratching and embarrassing as ...
not the mother" but regular store bought stuff that did leave a nice burn upon application. ONE MORE USE: 2 weeks ago bringing in wood for the fire. Something on the wood left an immediate skin rash on the left inner arm where I was carrying the wood. Red, bumps, itch... ouch! I...
I have a few red marks or like pimples on the side of my inner thigh right next to my testicles and a small red bump on the very bottom base of my penis. And it doesnt match the herpies description cause there not clumped or painful or itchy. I know there is ingrown hairs but is...
It is unlikely to be anything else. A transient rash, which disappears within minutes to within 24 hours of appearance is classical of urticaria. I can help to give you all possible diagnoses if I can see the current rash. Could you please send me a recent picture of the rash?You need ...
Inner Thigh Rashes: Treatment, Symptoms, Prevention, and More Get Rid of Your Armpit Rash: Treatments that Work for Every Cause How to Rid of Jock Itch: OTC Treatment & Prevention How to Get Rid of a Nair Rash or Burn (Plus Preventative Tips!) How toGet Rid of a Rash Under Breasts...
Inner Thigh Rashes: Treatment, Symptoms, Prevention, and More How to Identify Scabies: Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, & More Get Rid of Your Armpit Rash: Treatments that Work for Every Cause How to Rid of Jock Itch: OTC Treatment & Prevention How to Get Rid of a Nair Rash or Burn ...