plants like poison ivy, poison oak, insect bites, bee bites, etc., can cause a red rash on the legs that differ in appearance as per the type of the rash. An allergic red rash on the legs is usuallyitchy, bumpy, irritating, and placed at the exact contact point of the irritant.If ...
CASE A 42-year-old black woman presents to the dermatology clinic with complaints of bilateral reticular hyperpigmentation of the legs (see Figure 1). She had presented 1 month earlier for indurated, erythematous nodules on her legs without the reticular pattern. Her erythema nodosum was treated ...
You may also develop a particular rash called a pretibial myxedema rash on your legs and feet with certain types of hyperthyroidism. Learn More What Is Graves’ Dermopathy? What are early warning signs of thyroid problems? Fatigue, digestion problems, sleep problems, and even depression can be ...
Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have: rash shortness of breath persistent fever chest pain a feeling of pins and needles or numbness in your arms or legs Stop using Dupixent and tell your healthcare provider or get emergency help right away if you get any of the following...
Prevention depends on the cause of the rash: Infections— Check that you and your children are up-to-date in your routine immunizations. Wash your hands frequently, bathe regularly and avoid sharing clothing or personal grooming items with other people. To prevent Lyme disease, wear light-colore...
Rash.A roseola rash usually shows up as many flat-looking spots or patches that aren’t itchy or painful, says Phillips-Walker. It typically starts on the chest, back and stomach, and then spreads to the arms, legs and face, she adds. ...
Having a rash on your inner thigh can be uncomfortable and irritating. It can cause itching, redness, and even pain. While there are various causes for inner thigh rashes, such as allergies, friction, or fungal infections, finding effective remedies to alleviate the symptoms is crucial. This ...
the rash is commonly on the legs, feet, hands and arms. As a person becomes older, the rash may be limited to the bend of the elbows, knees, on the back of the hands, feet, and on the neck and face. As the rash becomes more established, the dry itchy skin may become thickened,...
While a five-o'clock shadow doesn't look as fresh or clean-cut as a perfectly smooth shave (especially if that shadow is on your legs), cutting the hairs slightly off the skin allows them to grow out naturally without curling back and becoming ingrown. Cleanliness may or may not be ...
Streptozyme or Strep Skin Rash on Buttocks and Legs I went to a restaurant and ended up sitting in a straw and hay wicker chair. Within ten minutes of sitting in the chair, my buttocks and hamstrings were … Fever Sinusitis and Strep Skin Rash It all started with a fever late Friday ...