Well recently i noticed that I had a rash on my inner thigh both on the right and left side. It is really itchy and my testicles are starting to itch as well. The rash is pretty big and is raised. Also, about two days ago I noticed that when i puled my foreskin back the left ...
Having a rash on your inner thigh can be uncomfortable and irritating. It can cause itching, redness, and even pain. While there are various causes for inner thigh rashes, such as allergies, friction, or fungal infections, finding effective remedies to alleviate the symptoms is crucial. This a...
I have super itchy red bumps on my inner thigh, underarms and inside the elbows. They get dark and then seem to dry out. They have been spreading since February and last time I had it it lasted 4 months and then back to this. It's scary coz I keep scratching and embarrassing as ...
Last night, I was in pain after two nights of a rash with welts and itching on my thigh. Maybe heat rash, but the weather has been cooler. I got up and took a hot shower and rubbed Borax on my skin and the rash on my leg and rinsed. I felt no more itching and pain afterwards...
TheMan88over a year ago I have a few red marks or like pimples on the side of my inner thigh right next to my testicles and a small red bump on the very bottom base of my penis. And it doesnt match the herpies description cause there not clumped or painful or itchy. I know there...
The causative agent is a single-stranded RNA virus with pleomorphic appearance onelectron microscopy(100–300 nm in size); it consists of two components: an outer envelope with short projections and an innernucleocapsidof RNA and aglycoprotein. There is only one strain and no knownantigenic var...
Summer brings sundresses... and painful inner-thigh chafing. Here's how to prevent and treat chub rub, and ease the pain of a burgeoning inner thigh rash as warm weather creeps in.