I have noticed rashes on my neck whenever I have to travel from one place to another. Like I had travelled back to bombay after new year break and there was this weird rash along with fever all over my neck34 Views Answers (14) Like the answers...
Had an awful rash on the back of my neck. It started out as heat rash but because I kept rubbing it against my clothes and my hair which has hair product, it got itchier and itchier. Finally I came to Earth Clinic where everyone said ACV is the cure. NOPE! It only made my skin ...
The rash comes back on my chest/neck and arms/hands after finishing the medication again, but is less severe. It has been about a week and a half off prednisone, and my skin is still pretty itchy but starting to clear up. Never again will I take steroids unless I have no other ...
After 1 or 2 days, Koplik spots form in the mouth, starting on the buccal and labial mucosa. The spots are bright red with a tiny bluish white speck in the middle. They can be numerous and coalesce into a mass of what looks like salt on a red background. The measles rash comes 1...
Ihavenoideawhatis upwithmydaughtersdiaperrash,sheis ayearoldandI doeverythingtokeepthisrashfromcoming,butitcomesback!AllweekIhaveletherrunwithoutadiaperontryingtoletitairoutasmuchaspossible,(thankgodforcarpetshampooers).Isthereanysecretthatsomeonehastogettingridofthisrash?
Technically known as seborrheic dermatitiscradle cap, may show up as scaly patches on your baby’s scalp in the first few weeks of their life. It might also appear elsewhere, such as on your baby’s neck, armpits, behind the ears, or even around the diaper area.What causes cradle cap?
I had a rash on my face that I thought might have come from a gnat bite. It started out as a tiny spot on the front of my neck that itched. I didn't think anything of it, figured it'd go away, but it kept spreading up towards my face. I ended up with the rash on my neck...
This rash is beyond annoying and for me developed on my wrists first, then spreading over my entire body up my neck, but yes it did not reach my face. This all began the night before my 34th week of pregnancy. Honestly, I don’t even care how awful it looks, it’s the insistent ...
This itchy rash all started with a couple spots about three weeks ago on the back of my shoulder. Now it is all over my chest, back, buttocks, and arms, and only a couple spots on my legs. It is very itchy. Unknown Rash on Upper Chest ...
The malar rash of SLE is triggered by sun exposure and is described as a butterfly pattern. The butterfly appearance is due to the angle at which the sun’s ultraviolet rays land on the skin with the nose acting as a sunshade, thus sparing the upper lip and nasolabial fold. Seborrheic ...