(1993). Testing the assumptions and interpreting the results of the Rasch model using log-linear procedures in SPSS. Behaviour Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, vol. 25, p. 350-359.TenVergert, E., Gillespie, M., and Kingma, J. (1993). Testing the assumptions and interpret- ...
近年来,晏子博士与Routledge出版社合作,先后于2020年、2022年分别出版了Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences和Student self-assessment as a process for learning两本英文著作。晏子博士的研究获得四项香港优配基金和两项优质教育基金资助,获香...
18、4 bond, t. g., & fox, c. m. applying the rasch model:fundamental measurement in the human sciences (2nd ed.) m.mahwah, n.j.: erlbaum, 2007.10.5 georg rasch. objective comparisons z. the unescoseminar, voksenasen, oslo, 1964.6 晏子.心理科学领域内的客观测量rasch模型之特点及发展趋...
23、some items can not achieve the expected measurement objectives and need modified in future work. The item analysis based on the Rasch model will provide much more measurement information for the analysis of Capacity of candidates and the quality analysis of the test.Key Words: postgraduate ent...
In summary, the consequence of the present response categories is that it impacts the validity of the Swedish version of the instrument in terms of model fit and practical functioning of the scale. More specifically, these factors make it difficult to differentiate between populations and possibly ...
Test Quality Analysis, Rasch Model, Student Ability, Item Difficulty, WINSTEPS 基于Rasch模型对九年级数学能力测验进行质 量分析 蔡颖颖,林嘉浩,谢丹丹,张一凡,黎光明 华南师范大学心理学院、心理应用研究中心,广东广州 收稿日期:2017年6月23日;录用日期:2017年7月7日;发布日期:2017年7月12日 文章引用:...
Application of Rasch Model in Quality Analysis of Test Papers--Taking the Technical and Engineering Literacy Test Paper of Sixth Grade Science for Example 作者: 柏毅[1,2,3];朱文琴[1];陈慧珍[1] 作者机构: [1]东南大学儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室、儿童发展与教育研究所,南京2100...
4). The distribution of person measure infits was significantly different from that expected by the model (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P < 0.005), with a greater proportion of infits falling less than or close to the mean of the chi square distribution, and fewer infits falling within the...
In contrast to the CTT approach, the Rasch model provides an alternative scaling methodology that enables the examination of the hierarchical structure, unidimensionality and additivity of HRQOL measures. METHODS: In order to empirically compare CTT and Rasch Analysis (RA) results, this paper presents...
Fit to the Rasch model required item deletion and forming testlets to account for extensive local dependence. There was no evidence of DIF with regard to gender or age. Targeting of the subscales was moderate to good. Conclusions Results support a distinction between social attitudes at the ...