A feature-rich chat widget for Rasa and Botfront. Contribute to botfront/rasa-webchat development by creating an account on GitHub.
Install the package from GitHub by running: npm install rasa-webchat Then once it is installed it can be implemented as follows. import{Widget}from'rasa-webchat';functionCustomWidget=()=>{return(<WidgetinitPayload={"/get_started"}socketUrl={"http://localhost:5500"}socketPath={"/socket.io/...
user_message_evt: user_uttered bot_message_evt: bot_uttered session_persistence: true 步骤2:使用以下命令启动bot:rasa run -m models --enable -api --cors“ *” --debug 步骤3:现在您可以看到我们的rasa bot服务器的不同api的详细信息 现在我们可以使用webchat脚本 https://github.com/mrbot-ai/...
Step3: Now in the bot-ui i.e rasa-webchat, add the customData that you want to send as mentioned here: GitHub - botfront/rasa-webchat: A feature-rich chat widget for Rasa and Botfront Step4: Now if you want to extract the customData, just write down the below code in your actions...
socketio: user_message_evt: user_uttered bot_message_evt: bot_uttered session_persistence: true 步骤2:使用以下命令启动bot: rasa run -m models --enable -api --cors“ *” --debug 步骤3:现在您可以看到我们的rasa bot服务器的不同api的详细信息 现在我们可以使用webchat脚本 https://github.com/m...
I have installed rasa x on a google compute engine: Rasa x version 0.33.0 Rasa version 2.0.2 I am using docker, and I can talk to my chatbot via the conversations tab in rasa x. Now I want to use rasa webchat as fron…
(venv) PS L:\20231106_ConversationSystem\ChatCopilot\Rasa\rasa-webchat> python -m http.server 8080 Serving HTTP on :: port 8080 (http://[::]:8080/) ... 4.运行 Langchain-Chatchat-0.2.8:python startup.py -a 5.和机器人进行对话 Rasa 中的对话场景是非常可控的,主要是意图识别(分类问题...
.github feat: carousels 5年前 .vscode chore: fixed tests and dispatch methods 5年前 assets feat: customize colors 5年前 dev/src feat: auto clear storage on new version to prevent errors 5年前 mocks refactor: move localstorageMock 5年前 ...
リポジトリを複製するか、 docker-compose.yml GitHub から直接ファイルをダウンロードできます。 コンテナサービスの起動 WebChat アプリケーションは、Docker Compose を使用して起動できます。 ファイル内の環境変数 (RASA_PRO_LICENSE, OPENAI_API_KEY) docker-compose.yaml を更新し、docker compo...