然后,Rasa 使用 tensorflow 2.12.0 版本,但从 tensorflow 2.10 版本开始 Windows 下没有 GPU 版本了(罕见的推崇使用 Linux 系统),在 Windows 下只能通过 WSL 使用。 Caution:TensorFlow2.10was thelastTensorFlow release that supported GPU on native-Windows. Starting with TensorFlow2.11, you will need to insta...
mv ~/Downloads/terraform /usr/local/bin/ Homebrew on MacOS 使用包管理器homebrew软件安装 Terraform CLI: brew tap hashicorp/tap brew update brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform Chocolatey on Windows 请使用Chocolatey是一个免费的开源包管理系统,适用于 Windows。从命令行安装 Terraform 包。 choco install t...
Download PDF Learn Windows Apps Win32 API Routing and Remote Access Service Ras.h Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 23/02/2024 Feedback In this article Syntax Parameters Return value
On Windows:Microsoft Windows Credential Manager You can pass credentials via environment variables: RASACTL_AUTH_USER- username RASACTL_AUTH_PASSWORD- password If the environment variables are used, credentials stored in a native keychain are not used. ...
這些 rasacd.pdb.sys 藍色畫面可能會出現在程式安裝期間,而安裝程式相關的軟體程式 (例如 MSDN Disc 0953) 正在執行,而 Microsoft 驅動程式正在載入,或在 Windows 啟動或關機期間執行。 記錄 rasacd.pdb.sys 藍屏場合是確定問題原因的關鍵,並將它們報告到 Microsoft 以進行修復。
Source: Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Server-Service Date: 9/16/2008 3:41:01 PM Event ID: 4015 Task Category: None Level: Error Computer: dc21.child2.forest1.com Description: The DNS server has encountered a critical error from the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning ...
训练Rasa NLU数据时出现“错误:windows的路径太长” 无法在rasa-nlu中训练LUIS模型 安装rasa_nlu时出现分段故障 如何在Docker内部的RASA中训练和测试nlu模型? 训练模型出现Tensorflow错误(在GPU上) 训练XLNET模型时出现错误 尝试运行tensorflow模型训练脚本时出现Zsh错误 ...
Added integration test for AWS model loading. Updated Rasa Pro Services documentation to add KAFKA_SSL_CA_LOCATION environment variable. Allows connections over SSL to Kafka Added note to CLI documentation to address encoding and color issues on certain Windows terminals Miscellaneous internal changes# ...
#4919: Drop native windows support for Rasa Enterprise (local mode). Use Docker to run local mode instead. #5628: Data tags contained in the following endpoints will now no longer include the conversations and message_logs properties: POST /projects/<project_id>/logs/<log_id:int>/tags POST...
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cookies GoogleChrome: http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647 Safari: http://support.apple....