您可以使用本主題來了解適用於軟體定義網路 (SDN) 的 RAS 多租用戶閘道高可用性組態。 本主題包含下列各節。 RAS 閘道概觀 如果貴組織是擁有多租用戶的雲端服務提供者 (CSP) 或企業,您可以在多租用戶模式中部署 RAS 閘道,以提供虛擬網路和實體網路 (包括網際網路) 的往返網路流量路由。
您可以使用本主題來了解 Windows Server 2019 和 2016 中 RAS 閘道的雲端服務提供者 (CSP) 部署,包括 RAS 閘道集區、路由反射程式,以及為個別租用戶部署多個閘道。
RasDialDlg函式會使用RASDIALDLG結構來指定其他輸入和輸出參數,例如對話方塊的位置,以及要呼叫的電話簿子輸入。 若要顯示Dial-Up Networking屬性工作表,請呼叫RasMonitorDlg函式。 此對話方塊可讓使用者監視現有連線的狀態。RasMonitorDlg函式會使用RASMONITORDLG結構來指定其他輸入和輸出參數,例如對話方塊的位置,以及要顯...
"Balancing and operating multiple clouds, on-premises technologies in data centers and on the edge, along with networking and client endpoints is the reality of today’s hybrid computing model." "Companies that crack the code on hybrid operations will be able to take advantage of agile ...
"Balancing and operating multiple clouds, on-premises technologies in data centers and on the edge, along with networking and client endpoints is the reality of today’s hybrid computing model." "Companies that crack the code on hybrid operations will be able to take advantage of agile provisioni...
Windows 提供了一组函数,用于显示系统提供的 RAS 对话框。 借助这些函数,应用程序可以轻松显示熟悉的用户界面,以便用户可以执行 RAS 任务。 例如,用户可以建立和监视连接,或者使用电话簿条目。 Windows 95 目前不支持这些函数。RasPhonebookDlg 函数显示主 拨号网络 对话框。 在此对话框中,用户可以拨号、编辑或删除所...
Reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) is a set of related attributes that must be considered when designing, manufacturing, purchasing and using a computer product or component. The term was first used by IBM to define specifications for itsmainframesand originally applied only to hardware...
(RAS) are also still prevalent in such industrial communications applications as remote management, machine-to-machine networking and the Internet of things (IoT). Dial-up remote access is used today to provide intermittent, low-bandwidth network connectivity for traffic signal timing controllers, ...
12:30 – 14:00 Networking Lunch Registration will be located outside of SedonaRegistration Hours: 7:00 am – 8:30 am Tuesday, June 11All sessions will be held in SedonaBreakfast & Lunch will be located in Salons 7-9Reception will be held in the Orchard Lounge Wednesday, June 12 (half...
See Also Synchronous Operations|Asynchronous Operations|User Authentication Data|Handling Errors|Informational Notifications|Completion Notifications|Disconnecting a RAS Connection|Phone-Book Entries|Accessing the Internet Using a Modem|Dial-up Networking