Ras Al Khor自然保护区站长很早就听说了,很遗憾最近才得以目睹真容。这片保护区位于DUBAI CREEK的尽头,离龙城和BUR DUBAI都不远,相信很多朋友开车的时候都曾不小心路过这个地方。 Ras Al Khor自然保护区隶属于政府机构,是世界上少数几个落户在城市中心的自然保护区(的确这片保护区地理位置太好了~),拥有超过450种动...
本地名称InterContinental Dubai Festival City 位置Ras Al Khor, 迪拜 迪拜节日城是位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的一个大型开发项目,被称为“城中城”。其建设由爱尔富堂集团负责,2003年开始。该地区距迪拜湾东岸3.8公里,距迪拜国际机场2公里。区内有两座酒店、一座酒店式公寓,全部由洲际酒店集团所有。全区面积达6.47...
Located on the outskirts of Dubai, Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the few places in the city to find nature. It is a designated as a wetland reserve of global importance (Ramsar Site). The reserve is a haven for birds. In the winter months, when migratory birds are here, u...
拉斯阔野生动植物保护区(Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary)位于离繁忙都市仅几步之遥的湿地。Ras Al Khor 意为“迪拜河之角”,它位于迪拜河的出口处,是世界少数几个都市保护区之一。 在该保护区外围生有着三种鸟儿,到了冬天,出来抢风头的非火列鸟莫属。 ? 在一片粉红色的羽毛当中,近看之下,您可发现苍鹭、大...
周六下午,一场大火席卷了迪拜的两个仓库,消防员在中午12:12左右被召集到 Ras Al Khor 工业区扑灭大火。 他们在五分钟内到达现场,警察也参加了此次灭火行动,一个油漆仓库和装有建筑材料的仓库被火焰吞没。 迪拜民防官员表示,仓库中材料的高度易燃性导致了火势蔓延。
Best Romantic Hotels in Ras Al Khor/The Lagoons (Dubai) on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for romantic hotels in Ras Al Khor/The Lagoons (Dubai), Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Best Ras Al Khor/The Lagoons (Dubai) Hotels with a Swimming Pool on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for hotels with a swimming pool in Ras Al Khor/The Lagoons (Dubai), Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Nestled in the mouth of the Creek Harbour, Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary location is just a few kilometres from Dubai City. You can reach: By Air The Dubai International Airport is well connected to the major cities and countries of the world. All you have to do is buy a flight ticket...
火烈鸟 取景地打卡 邂逅野生动物
Ras Al Khor-Eco-tourism in constructed wetlands: Post modernity in the modernity of the Dubai landscape. Tourism Management Perspectives, v. 4, pp. 185-197.Chris Ryan,Ivan Ninov,Heba Aziz.Ras Al Khor—Eco-tourism in constructed wetlands: Post modernity in the modernity of the Dubai landscape...