You'll see that rock melt back into smoldering magma, get sucked into an exploding volcano and shoved deep, deep into Earth's mantle where the diamond will slowly break apart into its constituent elements. Then, as millions of years pass like seconds, you'll see some of those elements rise...
"T he ori gin of the really heaviest chemical elements in the u nirerse had confused the scientific community for qu ite a long time, " Hans-T homas Janka, a senior scie ntist at the Mar Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany, said in a news release. "Now, we have the first...
the recent collision that their theor y was confirme d."T he origin o f the really heaviest chemica I elements in the universe had confused the s cientific community for quite a long time," H ans-T homas Janka, a senior scientist at the Maz Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Ger ...
"If it proceeds, the dam will flood crucial parts of the ape's habitat, while chopping up its remaining habitat with new roads and powerlines," said Supriatna. The team discovered the ape survives only in areas with virtually no roads, which promote illegal logging, clearing, and poaching. ...
that result in these dazzling explosions, we can probe the Universe as it was shortly after its birth. Our goal is to find these supernovae in the early Universe, detecting some of the first stars ever to form and watch them produce the first chemical elements created in the Universe.” ...