Hello! I wanted to clear up some details on the rarest Unique items in Diablo 4.1. They can drop from level 85+ enemies2. You get them anywhere you can get a regular Unique, and they always drop at 820 ipower3. We currently have 6 of them in the gam...
点评:首先,normal diablo是可以掉soj的。这个俺100%肯定, 俺曾经打到过。Normal diablo已经可以掉除金皮和silk之外的其它所有有用的unique物品了,set物品除tancred盔甲外其他的都可以掉,rare物品也能出些很不错的rings/boots/belts了。项链开始有1skill了,但没有all res, 所以项链还是没什么看头。衣服帽子之类...
Tangela is a Grass-type Pokemon with a unique design that makes it an interesting choice for Pokemon TCG Pocket cards players. Known for its tangled vines, Tangela has a distinctive look and a set of abilities that can be highly beneficial in the right deck. ...
Mineralization types include quartz veins, quartz stockworks, disseminated and massive sulfides, and intermediate types (e.g., Fig.5a). The gold-bearing sulfides are distributed both along the border of quartz veins with wall rocks and within the quartz veins (Fig.4). In places, small late o...
Run cs/ run Diablo: 都是一个意思,就是杀diablo升级,d2c里面最常用的升级方式 KA/KCC/KM/ /KD/...
盔甲:Twitch (格挡甲)/hawk/Blinkbat (眨眼蝙蝠)(unique leather armor)腰带:Rare。手套:Magefist (法师之拳)鞋子:Rare, 30frw必需武器:Rare nec杖 2skill/20fcr/ 3Bone spear (骨矛),再加点诅咒土魔之类的就更好了。盾牌:Wall of the eyeless (无眼之墙)项链:Rare戒指:Rare/soj说明:首先要保证fcr达到...