Lunar rocksMicro (渭) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis using synchrotron radiation (SR) has been applied for the determination of rare element (Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, La, and Ce) distributions in a large collection of different lunar mare and highland rocks returned to the Earth by ...
Rocks: Galleries of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock photos with descriptions. Minerals: Information about ore minerals, gem materials and rock-forming minerals. Volcanoes: Articles about volcanoes, volcanic hazards and eruptions past and present. Gemstones: Colorful images and articles about diam...
Over the years, thousands of specimens of marine reptiles, fish and invertebrates have been recovered from these rocks. The quality of preservation is outstanding, but what is even more impressive is the number of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have been re...
The host rocks are mainly biotite plagioclinal gneiss and carbonate rocks in Altyn rock group. Their orebodies obviously controlled by NE direction fault structure and the main ore types are veined, brecciated, massive and banded ore which major minerals are fluorite and calcite. The genesis of ...
Micro (μ) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis using synchrotron radiation (SR) has been applied for the determination of rare element (Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, La, and Ce) distributions in a large collection of different lunar mare and highland rocks returned to the Earth by all successfu...
Weathering of all types of rocks yields sediments that are deposited in a wide variety of environments, such as streams and rivers, shorelines, alluvial fans, and deltas. The process of erosion concentrates denser minerals, most notably gold, into deposits known as placers. Depending on the so...
cairn a mound of stones or rocks, used as a marker, memorial or tomb candle a type of firework, usually designed to be held in the hand canker one of various diseases of plants or animals; used figuratively to suggest a corrupting influence carcanet jewelled necklace carouse drink heavily ...
This paper is devoted to whole-rock rare earth element geochemistry of intrusive rocks hosting the porphyry copper deposits along the UDMA. In this way a complete rare earth element dataset from a number of economic deposits such as Sungun, Dalli, Sarcheshmeh, Parkam (Sara), Darreh-Zerreshk,...
Rare Earth Element Deposits of Alkaline Igneous Rocks. Resources 2017, 6, 34. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Reck, B.K.; Graedel, T.E. Challenges in Metal Recycling. Science 2012, 337, 690–695. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Du, X.; Graedel, T.E. Uncovering the Global Life Cycles of ...
We studied 5 soil profi les developed from different volcanic rocks cropping out in the Fernando de Noronha island.Results show that in the course of weathering, the soils were enriched in REE. The REE patterns of the soils are similarto those of the parent material, except for a slight ...