Auction HouseHeritage Auctions Auction NameFall U.S. Currency Showcase Auction Auction Date11/24/2024 - 11/24/2024 Lots Sold99.73% Actual Total (USD)204,812.20 More Auction Reports There are currently14,512,182records in the Rare Book Transaction History. To learn more about this auction and...
See what's for sale and for auction from this amazing collection of 1960s U.S. promo 45s, most new and unplayed. Soul music dominates, but there are many treasures from Rock, RnB, and Blues. All Collection 45s In Stock All Collection 45s Added So Far ...
Cincy Jewfolk uncovered plans to sell rare books and reported that an administrator overseeing the library may have resigned after being pressured to carry out the plans. The outlet also revealed that representatives of the auction house Sotheby’s had been hired to examine the library’s holdings...
Surprising Treasures From Library and Archives Canada, which opens at the Canadian Museum of History on Thursday, December 8, 2022. This new exhibition gives curious visitors a chance to see, first-hand, many intriguing items that they might not expect to find at Canada’s national library and...
The widow of theGrateful Dead’s longtime lawyer is auctioning off treasures from their long strange trip with the psychedelic rock-and-roll band. Hal and Jesse Kant’s memorabilia collection includes signed artwork by the band’s late leader, Jerry Garcia, and backstage passes from concerts spa...
The auction also includes rare items from some of the most famous celebrities in American history, including a fedora worn by the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. An iconic item that would define his stage performances and imagery for his illustrious career, th...
in the world, conch pearls are in demand once again thanks to the resurgence in popularity of natural pearls of all varieties and a renewed appreciation of their uniqueness. In this in-depth article you will find out everything you need to know about these precious little treasures of the ...
Stamps has a special place in Chinese culture, and rare stamps are important cultural icons and cultural treasures, like the art – said the director of theauction house “Interasia”Jeffrey Schneider. Last October a pair of rare stamps bearing an accidentally inverted picture of Chinese nationalist...
Luxe Auctioneers is a boutique auction house specializing in rare wristwatches, pocket watches, clocks, and fine jewelry. Interested in appraising and selling your rare treasures at auction? We conduct appraisals, private sales, and auction consignment
The earliest known stone copy of the Ten Commandments sold at auction in Beverly Hills in 2016 for $850,000. Heritage Auctions The stone was first uncovered in 1913. Heritage Auctions Discovered: Incredible treasures found in unexpected places ...