An interrupted time series analysis is subsequently conducted to compare indices derived from the traditional and LASSO hedonic methods. Findings confirm that LASSO approach outperforms the traditional hedonic regression method in terms of estimation accuracy....
Follow the videos with close-up views highlighting the subtle changes from one "grade" of condition to the next. Master index of grading videos lists series beginning with pennies to silver dollars. Values within the different series of coins are dependent on condition just as importantly as date...
As you may know by now, most coins that come from the San Francisco Mint have an “S” mintmark. Virtually allproof 1975 Roosevelt dimeshave an “S” mintmark. In fact, of the 2,845,450 proof Roosevelt dimes made at the San Francisco Mint in 1975,only 2 of them are knownnotto ha...
It's not hidden. It's not that old. But, it won't last long. Unlike the world-famous Kenai Mountain Glacier in Alaska, this one will be long gone in the next couple of months. Some can see it from their hotel rooms on West 69th Street. Others while they commute to work at A...
Searching through change seemed to be the most cost effective way for me to add coins to my collection at such a young age. I soon began begging my parents to take me to local banks to buy rolls of coins to go through. My order regularly consisted of $50 of pennies and $100 of ...