Unusual, Rare, and Unique Baby Names Unusual, rare, unique, and uncommon baby names are more plentiful than ever, as parents turn place names, nature names, surnames, and words into names. We've organized these unusual names of all kinds into lists to make your search easier. In this cat...
Coverage of rare disease names in standard terminologies and implications for patients, providers, and research[J]. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2014, 2014: 564-572.Fung ,K.W., Richesson, R., Bodenreider, O.: Coverage of Rare Disease Names in Standard Terminologies and Implications for Patients, ...
Stitcher defines edges to link equivalent/relevant concepts from different resources; for instance, “N_Name” denotes linked concepts with the same concept names, while “I_CODE” denotes linked concepts sharing the same external reference. In addition, stitcher adopts predicates from original ...
Rare disease names and synonyms represent an extremely diverse, unique, lengthy nomenclature. On the other extreme, the ABRV entity class often represents a complex disease concept in a few characters which may overlap with other concepts when uncased (i.e. “ChILD” [123] being represented as...
calculated for the effect allele. The effects of variants that have been colored and annotated with gene names differ between the migraine subtypes at a significance threshold of 0.0012 = 0.05/43. The 95% CIs for the log(ORs) are shown for annotated variants. Effects are adjusted with...
CNVRs were annotated with hg19 HGNC and ENSEMBL gene names using annotate_variation.pl from ANNOVAR (--geneanno). Number of genes mapping to a CNVR was calculated and set to zero for CNVRs with REGION not equaling “exonic”. Statistical confidence tiers Following primary assessment through ...
Khairtai (Mongolian nonbinary name) –“I love you” Names That Mean Love Starting With L Láska (Czech and Slovak girl name)–“Love”; also a name that means “grace” in Polish and Jewish Leafde (Western Frisian nonbinary name) –“Love” or “a person (or thing) that one loves...
The first group consisted of different disease specific names (osteogenesis imperfecta and brittle bone disease). The second group consisted of different terms used to describe QoL (quality of life, health related quality of life, QoL, HRQoL, life quality, health Status and well-being). These ...
SBC occurs when tissues surrounding the mandible such as salivary gland tissue,lymphoid tissue, connective tissue, fat, and muscles cause localized pressure on the mandible creating a bone defect [1]. Since its initial report by Stafne in 1942, SBC has been referred to by various names because...
In total 18,739 deletions were called with GenomeSTRiP14. The average deletion size was ,13 kb and the median size was ,3.7 kb. j, Total number of SNVs and INDELs by AF bin (based on 3,781 samples), multi-allelic variants are treated as separate variants. k, Sequence quality and ...