Failed breeding results are one of the parent Monsters, or a normal Ghazt. For the shortest wait time per attempt, Entbrat and T-Rox is recommended. Rare Ghazt's chances of breeding are less than the Common Ghazt's. Wishing Torches will increase the chance of success, and so will ...
My Singing Monsters Wiki 1,914 pages ALL POSTS TheFfidyllLover·4/11/2023in General Allow me to rephrase I dislike it greatly when BBB is nice to us and makes rare monsters not rare anymore. I get it, it´s so we can get the Rareblins easier, but it´s taking up all my regu...
My Singing Monsters 的更多活动 查看全部 物品或 DLC 折扣 During a Rare Trio, three Rare Monsters are available to buy in the StarShop Monday through Friday, and will be 50% OFF for the first 48 hours. Kick off your week with this RARE affair!2021年11月16日周二 物品或 DLC 折扣 The ...
Unleash creativity with Gobricks' MOC My Singing Monsters building kit, featuring durable ABS self-locking bricks for ages 14+; no stickers, but PDF instructions provided.
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