Saito, T. Nakashizuka, Mortality data for Japanese oak wilt disease and surrounding forest compositions [dataset], Mendeley Data, v1, 2015. Reference to software: [7] E. Coon, M. Berndt, A. Jan, D. Svyatsky, A. Atchley, E. Kikinzon, D. ...
This surname, considered a North Korean last name, originated from the Japanese colonial period. It was a surname used for Koreans who married Japanese nationals. Once Korea claimed its independence, it was first recognized as an official Korean surname in the North Hamgyong Province in North Kor...
Eosinophilic esophagitis investigated by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in Japanese patients. J Gastroenterol. 2011;46(9):1142–4. Article PubMed Google Scholar Andrieux J, Villenet C, Quief S, Lignon S, Geffroy S, Roumier C, de Leersnyder H, de Blois MC, Manouvrier S, Delobel B, et...
Mail-order and retail nursery that offers many rare and unusual hardy plants including rhododendrons, azaleas, native plants, trees, shrubs, dogwoods, magnolias, conifers, Japanese maples, variegated plants, shade plants and deer-resistant plants.
the term for this set of plans, may be more of a slogan than anything else. mihoko sakurai lived in norway for several years, and never used cash. on her return to japan this past fall, she found herself carrying cash all the time. i asked her why she thought the japanese government...
Journal of Rare Earths has been indexed/abstracted in SCI, EI, MA, Corrosion Abstracts, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST, Jap.), Abstract Journal(AJ, Russ.), Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, UK, Scopus, etc.) Submission checklist You can use this list to carry out a final ...
Bläddra till den andra bildmappen, Cognitive-CustomVision-Windows/Samples/Images/Japanese Cherry. Välj alla 10 bilder i mappen och sedan Öppna. Lägg till taggen japanese cherry (japanskt körsbärsträd) till den här gruppen med bilder och tryck på Retur för att tilläm...
Erythema nodosum is seen in 3–44% of cases but it is far more frequent in women than in men, in Caucasians than in Blacks or in Japanese and in northern than in southern european countries [1, 3, 12]. In Blacks, the disease is more likely to be disseminated, showing a higher ...
investigated HLA-DR4 gene variations in 46 Japanese patients, 28 with the prolonged type and 18 with the nonprolonged type of VKHD. Significant differences were found in the DR4 gene variation in the two clinical subtypes. All the patients with the prolonged type had either the DRB1*0405 or ...
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