A binary sex categorization (male/female) is usually designated at birth ("sex assigned at birth") and is in most cases based solely on the visible external anatomy of a newborn. In reality, sex categorizations include people who are intersex/have differences of sex development (DSD). ...
Japanese (romanized) Shīkurettorea English Secret Rare [show]Other names A Secret Rare (シークレットレア Shīkuretto Rea, or simply Secret[citation needed]) card is identified by having a holographic rainbow card name and by the artwork having a unique holofoil known as parallel holo...
Rare baby names for girls can be unique and fun for your little one. It’s less likely for your baby girl to have the same name as her classmates or friends if you pick unique and unusual names. Of course, popular girl names such as Olivia, Emma, and Charlotte remain the top pick,...
Journal of Rare Earths has been indexed/abstracted in SCI, EI, MA, Corrosion Abstracts, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST, Jap.), Abstract Journal(AJ, Russ.), Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, UK, Scopus, etc.) Submission checklist You can use this list to carry out a final ...
Here, we report a case of HFI in an 86-year-old Japanese female cadaver. Macroscopically, the internal surface of the frontal bone exhibited bilateral nodular protrusion with sparing of the midline, while the external surface was normal. According to the morphological classification of HFI proposed...
Fixed bugged TH/HM names within text boxes Slightly adjusted some Cinnabar Mansion notes to match the Japanese text Reworked the level-up movelist for all four 'mons in the Eevee family Readjusted the vertical positioning of some spaceworld back sprites Fixed the item clause breaking the AI cho...
A genome-wide association study of HCV-induced liver cirrhosis in the Japanese population iden- tifies novel susceptibility loci at the MHC region. J Hepatol 2013; 58: 875–882. 63 Hafler DA, Compston A, Sawcer S, Lander ES, Daly MJ, De Jager PL et al. Risk alleles for multiple ...
3: Japanese Lung Fluke Paragonimiasis is an infection caused by a fluke, a type of parasitic worm, most often paragonimus westermani and paragonimus kellicotti in humans. It usually affects the lungs, although it can infect other parts of the body, such as the brain. The good news? Only ...
a group of young people is relocated and forced to fight to the death until a single winner survives. In this Japanese popSalò, they are watched over and continually threatened by one of their teachers, played by Beat Takeshi Kitano in a silver-gray tracksuit, looking less elegant than in...
First, the same variant was identified independently in eight affected members of three pedigrees of Japanese ancestry in a separate Japanese patient group. Second, a single-cytosine deletion within the same polycytosine stretch as the previous variant, and encoding p.S209Afs*61, was found in an...