BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- A total of 13 rare-disease drugs have been added to the latest edition of China's medical insurance drug catalog, bringing the total amount of such medicines covered by medical insurance in the country to more than 90. The newly-added items on the catalog, ...
BEIJING -- A total of 13 rare-disease drugs have been added to the latest edition of China's medical insurance drug catalog, bringing the total amount of such medicines covered by medical insurance in the country to more than 90. The newly-added items on the catalog, which was jointly rel...
OK bill advances to help victims of rare disease gain insurance coverage
The Shenzhen Municipal Healthcare Security Bureau has worked to establish a rare disease medication security mechanism combining basic medical insurance, major disease insurance, and Shenzhen welfare insurance, which helps greatly r...
To alleviate the patients of their financial burdens, China has also expanded the coverage of its medical insurance. Earlier this year, 15 rare disease drugs have been incorporated into an updated catalog of medicines covered by China's national medical insurance, resulting in more urgently needed ...
Qualitative responses among caregivers of children with rare disease emphasized difficulty finding mental health treatment, lack of competent professionals, financial burden, and problems with insurance coverage. Conclusion Despite non-significant findings, several implications for families of children with rare...
Therefore, it is recommended to improve the comprehensive assistance system for patients with rare diseases and their families, clarify the roles and functions of charitable organizations and commercial insurance, and establish a rare disease high-value drug protection system led by the government with ...
Lack of insurance coverage and governmental incentives to create a favorable and equitable payer management system cause families to carry the burden of the high cost of treatment. As a result, despite understanding the disease severity and knowing the benefit of an existing treatment, patients and ...
Barriers to the use of disease-modifying treatments in sickle cell disease: a survey of patients and caregivers. Presented at: 64th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 10-13, 2022; New Orleans, LA. Abstract 2258.
insurance coverage [48,49,67,69] and difficulties obtaining reimbursement [36,44,56,69]. Masese et al. (2019) described respondents believing that their ability to deliver good care was not influenced by insufficient insurance coverage. However, they did not specifically enquire about whether it...