Legend Rare Coin Auctions publishes weekly market reports and company news on our blog. See the prizes realized for recent coin auctions and more.
Purchasing the coin and not the label is paramount. There are time requirements towards attending major coin shows, attending auction lot viewing events, and of course, the endless hours viewing potential acquisitions online. Undoubtedly, one must also amass the financial resources to operate and sus...
Actually, happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coin. The desire for happiness is like asking only for the light and not for darkness. But there is not much difference between light and darkness. It is matter of degree only. If we think deeper, we will realize that it is...
The near-finest known status is easily reinforced by the overall flash, which is substantial. Slight reflectivity is evident as the coin is tilted under a light. A hammered strike sharply defines the stars, while the feather and claw details are easily distinct. In this cataloguer’s opinion,...
The Jamaica 30 is priced to match at around four hundred dollars and therefore I can’t in fairness suggest you put yourself in hock to go get it unless you have such coin burning a hole in your portfolio. It lands emphatically in the Fifth Avenue segment of the market, which makes it...
ShouTime is on a dumping spree and so we got a Tekken-themed coin pusher today! It's a Namco medal game similar to Pac-Slot and Tobikose! Jumpman. It uses super deformed Tekken characters in the same vein as Super Puzzle Fighter or Pocket Fighter. The title is Tekken Card World ...
I was also worried about volume but this pick is as loud as my Tortis pick and that shows How Hard the Wood actually is. Ra, Your Pick makes makes my D-28 sound even better than I thought it could. Thanks." - Phillip "Hi Ra, they arrived today, wahoo! Holy crap, these are...
I was also worried about volume but this pick is as loud as my Tortis pick and that shows How Hard the Wood actually is. Ra, Your Pick makes makes my D-28 sound even better than I thought it could. Thanks." - Phillip "Hi Ra, they arrived today, wahoo! Holy crap, these are...
I suspect Bryant assumes the “something” Bigelow felt for Caroline on his wedding night may very well have been carnal; the caricature he supplies of the bride shows her bosom spilling from her dress, this forwardness set off perhaps by the bride’s elegant mien and similarly elegant hair...
Fine. No flaws, near perfect. Very good. Shows some wear, no major flaws. This is clearly the most over used term in the book trade. Good. Basically, it's all there, but it might look or smell bad. Reading copy. It looks or smells bad. Not much pride of ownership here. Ex-...