RareBeauty的彩妆产品也有很多亮点。LiquidEyeshadow特别适合化妆新手,质地容易推开且非常持久,天气再热也不怕脱妆。只需要一点点就能晕开,效果非常自然。推荐指数4.5/5。 MeltingBlush是奶油质地,晕开后会变成粉状,持久度相对较低,需要随身携带以便补妆。包装很少女心,用手指晕开效果最好。推荐指数3.5/5。 MatteLipLin...
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I am obsessed with bliss it’s nice and natural but it can build up depending on how many dots you add making it perfect for any occasion. 1 Reply FIVEsixSEvEn 04-02-2024 02:27 PM Love grateful it’s so pretty! Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Soft Pinch Liquid Blush Grateful 1...
颜值超高的自然美妆!RareBeauty,日常系列必备~ Selena Gomez 的自创品牌 Rare beauty,颜值在线,产品也很好用!!这个系列真的太爱啦! 都是令人心动的颜色,春夏正适合~ 腮红膏(stay vulnerable melting blush) 这个系列有裸色、珊瑚色、玫瑰粉、淡紫色、浆果色。 极力**Nearly Neutral(裸色) 妆效清透,上脸差别不...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Rare Beauty Selena Gomez新品Soft Pinch Blush液体腮红显色的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Rare Beauty Selena Gomez新品Soft Pinch Blush液体腮红显色的信息,请来淘宝深入
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Rare Beauty液体腮红上脸效果色号Bliss/Hope/Joy 喜欢哪个色号快艾特你的好姐妹给你买! #selenagomez #欧美 #rarebeauty #美妆 #种草 @瑞奇瑞奇· 2023年3月11日瑞奇瑞奇 00:57 6.8万 上头了!都在为Selena冲刺,疯狂入手Rare Beauty! #张鸡米译制 #selenagomez #rarebeauty @张鸡米· 2023年3月5日张鸡米...
Rare Beauty Lucky Soft Pinch Liquid Blush ($20.00 for 0.25 oz.) is a bright, medium-dark fuchsia pink with cool, blue undertones and a dewy sheen. It had i
I like eccentric people, individuals, alive, real, vital; those that might have been hurt but have put it behind them, people who revel in the beauty of life and the world and know instinctively not to talk about the realia of daily and all the tedious rubbish that can bog us down. ...