News Alert: The Days of Noah and the 120 Year Countdown January 7, 2023 The days of Noah lasted about 120 years. The age of Apostasy will last about 120 years. It is time to wake up, repent, and get spiritually ready. The period of testing is over, and judgement is about to beg...
Be ready TODAY. Be ready for the rapture TODAY because Jesus will return to Earth soon. There is a very good chance thatVERY, EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY, VERY SOON,the 3 days of darkness will happen before the Rapture(Check out the 3 days of darkness link:CLICK_HERE).The 3 Days of Darkness ...
The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh. But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification. The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and...
Gamers anxiously ready to get back to the wonderful world of BioShock might not have to wait much longer: it looks like a new title in the franchise is currently in development.The BioShock titles originally took players to the underworld retro world of Rapture, where humans shoot themselves ...