Rapport-talkandReport-talk You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation Deborah Tannen, PhD Excerpts from Chapter Three Rapport-talk and Report-talk I was sitting in a suburban living room, speaking to a women's group that had invited men to join them for the occasion of my ...
Rapport-talkandReport-talk 系统标签: talkrapportreportwomenmenswacker YouJustDon'tUnderstand:WomenandMeninConversationDeborahTannen,PhDExcerptsfromChapterThreeRapport-talkandReport-talkIwassittinginasuburbanlivingroom,speakingtoawomen'sgroupthathadinvitedmentojointhemfortheoccasionofmytalkaboutcommunicationbetweenwomen...
___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 report;Report#rapport;Rapport 反馈 收藏
___ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. ___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others.的答案
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk [Tannen]、rapport-talk、report-talk等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
___ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. ___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others. 答案:\n \n \n \n (1)\n ... ...